I used to think time went fast before we had Harper. Now that she's apart of our lives, I think it's traveling double time. Today marks her offical half birthday, 6 whole months! It's amazing to look back and see how much she's changed, both physically and mentally. Every week she shares a new trick with us. For instance, this week - it's rocking on her knees. I even shot a short video clip of the "big girl" showing off. Her smile and belly laugh are contagious, we just have so much fun with her!
This week we also hit another milestone... solids! We started feeding Harper oatmeal, and as we suspected she loved it. It was so much fun watching her chomp her gums taking in the new taste and textures. Let's just say, Mitch does a mean airplane! As a crazy first time parent, I of course documented the entire experience with an abundance of photos.
Prepared with her spoon! |
Open wide, first bite! |
Okay, I can get used to this! |
This is awesome! |
More airplane's Daddy-o! |
Full, satisfied girl! |
Another new thing we've dealt with this week is hysterical meltdowns during bedtime. We were sticking to our normal routine - a few stories, nighttime feeding, then crash in the crib. She would sleep for 30 minutes to an hour and then wake up melting down. I mean full fledge freak out, screaming, tears - the whole shebang. I'm had a hard time listening to the sobs, so the "cry it out" solution was extremely difficult for me to handle. After doing some online research it seems it's 50/50 whether you let your baby "cry it out." I knew she wasn't hungry, and didn't have a dirty diaper - so we were clueless what the issue was. If we picked her up, the tears would stop. As soon as we laid her back in the crib, the cycle started all over again. We spent a couple nights wanting to pull out our hair, but we made it through. The last few nights, we've been back to normal with an added bonus - SLEEPING THROUGH THE NIGHT! It's been a wonderful thing, and I hope these little night episodes are past us for now.
We get to celebrate Mitch's first Father's Day this weekend! The plan is to do a lil' golfing with my Dad, Austin and Mitch Sunday morning. Following that, we're hosting a Father's Day BBQ at our house that afternoon. It'll be a fun time getting our families together to celebrate the wonderful Dad's and Grandpa's!
I hope everyone enjoys their weekend, and Happy Father's Day Daddy-o's!
Until next time...
The Helleen's
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