Buh-Bye June!

July, really? I know I probably mention in every single blog post how fast time is going, but seriously tomorrow we welcome July already! Cheese curds, animal barns and State Fair people watching is right around the corner closing up summer!

June was a busy month for us, so it's no surprise we ended it with a full calendar! Last Sunday I got to celebrate the upcoming arrival of Baby Juris. I've known Jenna since our Maple Junior High days, gosh we shared some laughs in Mrs. DeMars Science class! Jenna and her husband Jon are expecting their first child in August, and we couldn't be more excited for them! Sunday was all about Mama J and Baby J! We headed out to Mayer, MN to Carly's house on a beautiful sunny afternoon. We played a few games, had a fabulous lunch and enjoyed each other's company. It was such a fun day, now we're anxiously awaiting the arrival of Baby J!

Jenna and the lovely hostesses! 

This was also our second week of fresh produce. So far we're loving it, and getting to try new things. Beet greens are still one of my new favorite obsessions. We also had a ton of radishes, and were getting more in this week's bundle. After talking to my my sister-in-law Jenny who is a RD, she shared a Mango Radish salsa recipe - and it was incredible! This week we got more beets, radishes, peas, asparagus, red potatoes, kale, onions, and dill. By the end of the season, I'm convinced I could compete on an episode of Food Network's Chopped.

Last week we also started feeding Harper homemade baby food. We started her out with sweet potatoes and that went really well. She seems to enjoy the new flavors of food. This morning we made our next batch of Harper's food, pears. She gobbled them up, and was eager for the next bite. We also started giving her Gerber Puffs. They've been an excellent distraction for her when we're out. They actually taste pretty good. I'm considering buying a bottle for myself to snack on. You can have 73 pieces and it's only 25 calories!

Solids aren't the only milestone we've accomplished lately. Two little teeth have poked their way through her bottom gums. I've tried several times to snap a quick picture, however Harper seems to think it's not necessary to document every little thing with a photo. Don't worry, I'll get one soon enough! She's continuing to rock on her hands and knees, and she's even gone from her belly to a sitting position a few times. Another new trick she's shown us is her plank/push up position. She goes from my belly onto her hand and toes. It's pretty fun to watch! I swear, before you know it she'll be running around this house! I don't think Mitch and I are ready for that.

Getting the hang of this sippy cup thing!

Push up!

Her favorite sleeping position. Booty in the air!

My parents, brother and his friend Ben headed to Missouri this morning for the 4th. While they're gone they offered to let us use the boat since it's supposed to be picture perfect weather on the 4th. This past Wednesday we decided to enjoy a little boat ride in the evening followed by dinner on the Wharf at Fletchers. It was a steamy night, hot and humid so our boat ride felt amazing. Harper did wonderful, and didn't fuss about her life jacket unlike last time. Again, those Puffs were very handy. It wasn't long after our departure from the dock that her eyelids were closed. Boat rides always put me to sleep as a kid, clearly they have the same effect on her. It was great evening, and I'm hoping we have more nights like that before the summer season comes to a close.

We also received the cutest "Save the Date" I've ever seen this week. Mitch's cousin Scott is getting married this September in Montana. His fiancé Sally is the sweetest, and we can't wait for their upcoming nuptials. Their "Save the Date" included an adorable picture of them in front of their movie theater, wedding information and two personalized luggage tags. It'll be Harper's first airplane experience, and we're hoping to sneak in a few extra excursions while we're there!

This week we'll also have an added house guest. We're watching my parents dog Gracie while they enjoy the 100+ temperatures in Missouri. Grace and Harper are buddies, so it'll be fun to see them play with each other. Hope everyone has a fun and safe Fourth of July!

Until next time...
The Helleen's


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