Happy 1st Birthday, Emmett!

ONE! Emmett is ONE!

Today we celebrated our smiley guy's 1st birthday. Somehow a year has come and gone since we welcomed this sweet boy into our family. Cliché I know, but it truly seems like yesterday when we were in the hospital staring at our newest bundle.

In just one year, Harper and Emmett have developed such a heartwarming relationship. She can make him laugh on command, and lets be honest - there is nothing better than baby giggles. She's already taken on a "Little Miss Mom" role and thinks it's her job to boss him around. We'll see how long that lasts. :) 

Harper refers to him as, "little buddy" which still melts my heart 365 days later. Now that Emmett is crawling around, one of their favorite things to do is wrestle. Although he's a tough dude, we still have to remind Harper to be gentle. Their bond is special and watching it develop has been a fun adventure.

To my sweet birthday boy - 

You truly are the sweetest boy I know. The thought of your little grin brings a smile to my face. People are always telling us, "he's just so smiley." Your 7 tooth smile is contagious and I hope you never lose that smiley persona.  

You're moving around like a maniac. No steps, but lots of crawling. You're also pulling yourself up on anything and everything. I have a gut feeling walking is right around the corner. I'm not so sure your sister will like this. 

You love food and eat everything. No seriously, EVERYTHING. There are nights you finish your dinner and also finish your sisters. You and I will be the adventurous eaters of the family. We'll leave the Mac-N-Cheese and cheese pizza for your Dad and sister. 

When you want something, you grunt and point until someone picks up on your non-verbal cues. So far it's working out for you, but like your sister I'm sure once you start talking you won't stop. :) Ma-Ma and Da-Da are sounds you make regularly. You can also clap, pat your mouth, wave and show us "so big." Things are added to your bag of tricks all the time!

Sleeping for you is a breeze, but you must have a snuggle-bug with you at all times. You also suck your thumb when you're sleepy. It's the cutest thing ever. 

I never knew being your Mother would be such a rewarding job. You and your sister make us the happiest parents ever and we're so lucky to have you two. Happy 1st birthday little buddy. We love you soooooo much!

Until next time…
The Helleens


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