A just like that, it's August.

Somehow it's been nearly 3 weeks since I've last posted, oh and it's already August - which means summer is officially wrapping up. (sigh) Since I know you're all dying to know what us Helleen's have been up to ;), here's a little update of our latest summer adventures.

Summer has been busy for us, both during the week and on the weekends. Mondays and Fridays have been our only "free" nights and usually they're spent grocery shop or running errands. Between softball games, golf league, dance class and gymnastics our week nights are jammed after a day a work. Lazy, lounge days have been nonexistent this summer and it feels like we've been on-the-go most of the season. I'm not complaining about our filled calendars since we've spent most of our time enjoying fun activities and making memories. Plus, I've learned to soak up this amazing weather while it's here because once Winter comes - our lazy days staying at home will be back.  

Harper and Emmett are still spending as much time outside as possible. We take frequent wagon rides into the jungle (fyi - the forest area by the lake is the jungle, according to Harper) which both kids seem to enjoy. Emmett's quick reflexes and grabby hands tend to irritate his big sister while they're confined to the wagon. I probably spend half of our walk time reminding her he's still a baby and that he doesn't understand that he can't steal her book, or put shoes in his mouth. Little Miss Mom is already trying to discipline him and boss him around. On a daily basis I hear, "Mom! You need to tell Emmett he can't do that. It's not very nice!" Oh boy, is she in for a rude awakening once he actually starts strutting around and talking back!

We managed to find a Sunday afternoon open to have a family pool day. Harper has come a long way in the last year-and-a-half when it comes to the water. She's gone from wading in the pool, to going on lazy river without someone holding onto her or her noodle. She still doesn't love getting her face wet, but if it does happen, it's not a major meltdown like it was in the past. As minor as that sounds, it's been quite a big step forward. Emmett loves the water. He loves to splash and crawls around the shallow end. Unlike his sister, when water gets in his face, he just blinks a couple times and carries on.



This summer, Harper's artistic side has really sprouted. Coloring is a daily activity and our driveway and patio is constantly littered with sidewalk chalk. She can successfully write her name, although sometimes her "R's" are unrecognizable - we're working on it! :) 

We've also spent plenty of nights enjoying ice cream dates. I've made a habit of treating Harper to DQ almost every Thursday after gymnastics. It's no denying I've passed on my love for ice cream since this is an actual conversation we had one night leaving gymnastics:

Me: Gosh Harper, my belly is so hungry. We need some dinner.
Harper: Mom, I think a little ice cream will help.
Me: I think you're right.

I can't help myself! If someone mentions ice cream - I'm in!

Emmett is officially 11 months and just 20 short days away from turning 1. ONE! Oh my word! How is my sweet baby boy going to be one? It's insane. 

He's such a happy, smiley, go-with-the-flow little duder. It's still impressive how much the kid eats and he really has perfected his shoveling technique. Blueberries are his absolute favorite thing to eat, I'm pretty sure he would eat the entire carton if I let him. 

Scooting is still his main form of mobility, but his newest trick is pulling himself to his knees or feet. He gets the biggest smile on his face when he accomplishes either maneuver. He won't crawl on his knees, but likes to rock on them. 

His snuggle bugs (those blankets with the animal heads) are his favorite and he can't sleep without one. He hates wearing hats, which means he's had his fair share of sunscreen on his head this summer. Seeing his sly little grin and soaking up his snuggles are some of my favorite things in the world. For the next 20 days, he's still my baby. 

Mitch and I have enjoyed a few kid-free events lately. We went to the Twins game last week and happened to run into Jennie and Mike while we were there. The weather was perfect and we spent most of our night walking around Target Field rather than staying in our assigned seats. 

We also celebrated the marriage of my bestie's little sister. Rachel and Adam are high school sweethearts and last Friday officially became Mr. & Mrs. Benedict. I've known Rachel since she was a little thang and it's so fun to see what an amazing woman she has become. We all had so much fun (maybe too much fun) celebrating with them. Congrats to the newlyweds and cheers to years and years of love and laughs!

Saturday we headed to the 3M Golf Championship in Blaine. It was my first time watching live golf and it was a blast. It didn't hurt that we had suite passes that came equipped with free drinks and food. We soaked up some rays and roamed the course. It was beautiful. I'm hoping more live tournaments are in our future.  

So, I think that about sums it up. Our last few weeks have been fast, furious and fun. With only a few weeks left of summer, I'm sure more is yet to come!

Until next time…
The Helleens


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