Kid Free Weekend

I survived my first weekend away from both babes. Last weekend, a large group of us headed up-north to Grand View Lodge to celebrate Amanda and Becky's 30th birthdays. Thanks to Bob & Deb, Mitch and I were able to enjoy the festivities both Friday and Saturday. 

It was a strange, freeing couple of days. Mitch and I had the opportunity to sleep in (and through the night), make spontaneous decisions and day-drink. It's been years since we had more than one night away from the kiddos, but we quickly adapted to the adult-only lifestyle for a couple days. 

We arrived late Friday night and the excitement for the birthday weekend was infectious. It didn't take long for the coolers to open and the games to start. Multiple, intense games of Catchphrase were played and my cheeks hurt from laughing so much. We made the most of our Friday night and squeezed in plenty of fun. 

Saturday morning came earlier than expected. I'm convinced having kids has ruined my ability to sleep in like I used to. We hit up the breakfast buffet once everyone was awake, which was the perfect way to start the day. 

After breakfast, everyone split up and did their own thing. Mike, Jennie, Mitch and myself took advantage of the sunshine and decided to go snowshoeing. We layered ourselves with winter gear, filled our pockets with Coors Light and Fireball and headed out for our snowy adventure. It was blast, and quite a workout for this non-exercising Mama. The fresh air and physical activity felt great. 

Once we got back from snowshoeing, it was time for broom ball. Everyone in the townhouse bundled up and headed to the lake rink. Teams were divvied up and the game was on. 

I forgot how fun this winter activity can be and quickly realized I was using leg muscles that haven't been used in quite some time. (Note to self - start working out) We played until our beers were slushy and our toes were frozen. It was worth every chilly moment. 

The celebration continued until the wee hours of the night. We stuffed our faces with pasta and ice cream cake, and ended our night at the local bar on the resort grounds. I think Amanda and Becky enjoyed the weekend festivities, I know we did.  

It was hard being away from the kids for two nights, but there was no way I was going to miss celebrating my best friends 30th birthday. I've shared 20 years of my life with this wonderful woman - laughing, crying, dancing - sometimes all three at the same time. :) You're the best BFF ever and I hope you had the great birthday you deserve. Cheers to many more!

While Mitch and I enjoyed our up-north getaway, Harper and Emmett enjoyed their time with Granny and Pops. They ventured to Cabela's to see the animals, played countless games of "Go Oink" and hide-n-seek and even made it to church school Saturday night. Thanks again!

This week, our calendar has been booked solid. Monday was our only free night - which meant it was my only opportunity to go grocery shopping. Mitch had a haircut appointment after work, so I decided to brave Cub Foods with both kids - alone. Thankfully they both were very well behaved, the free chocolate chip cookie helped convince Harper to stay in the cart. 

After putting Harper in the top section and Emmett in the big section, I quickly realized I had very little cart space for my actual groceries. Food started to pile up but I utilized every last inch of that cart. Poor Emmett was covered in deli meat, boxes of oatmeal and bags of pretzels, but he didn't seem to mind. I got a few interesting looks from fellow shoppers, but I was pretty proud to make it out of Cub without any meltdowns or tears. Success!

Yesterday, Emmett celebrated his 6-month birthday! How is my sweet, smiley, happy boy 6 months already?

Recently, he has discovered his feet and they seem to completely blow his mind. He stares at them forever and eventually tries to stuff his little tootsies into his drool-covered mouth. There is a lot of rolling, cooing, drooling and eating going on. HE LOVES FOOD. I don't think we've had a dinner without him finishing everything in his bowl. His thighs are getting extra smooshy and those cheeks are just so pinch able! 

He's come a long way when it comes to sleep. We've had three nights sleeping 8+ hours straight over the last two weeks, so I'm confident my mid-morning Emmett dates are coming to an end. Part of me is sad, does that make me crazy? I love a good baby snuggle in the middle of the night. I think I'm just realizing my baby days are numbered. Before we know it Emmett will be running around with his big sister and I'll have to beg for snuggles. Until then, I'll try sneaking them in whenever possible. Happy half birthday, lil' guy! 

Until next time…
The Helleens


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