Emmett's Grubby Fingers

Sharing can be so hard. As I preach to my 3 year old how important it is to share with others and use the "magic words," I sometimes catch myself breaking my very own rules. Example - if I opened the fridge and saw only one cold Diet Coke, I wouldn't for one second consider sharing it. (I don't think this makes me a bad person, by the way. A Diet Coke addict, yes. Bad person, no!) :) I think at any age we need reminders of simple life lessons, sharing be one of them. 

Harper, for the most part is an excellent sharer. She plays very well with others and is constantly looking to make a new friend. I've gone on and on about how sweet she is with Emmett, and this continues to be true. However, Emmett has entered the "grabby" stage and I'm not sure Harper's a fan. He is looking to get his grubby little fingers on anything and everything. Toys, blankets, fingers, phones - you name it. It only takes a few seconds before those items are shoved into that itty bitty mouth of his covered in baby drool. (I forgot how much drool infants produce! holy smokes!)

This past weekend Harper was playing with the iPad in our bed while Mitch and I wrapped up getting ready for the day. We set Emmett right next to Harper and quickly realized his little fingers were eager to grab the iPad. Harper was not okay with his quick hands. I looked over to see her pushing his head away, and shoving him back towards the pillows behind him. Harper's nudges were gentle, but Mr. E kept on. 

Trying to explain to a 3-year old that her 5-month old little brother doesn't really know what he's doing, is nearly impossible. We tried to tell her he just wanted to watch, and it was okay if he touched the iPad. 

Within the 3 minutes they shared on our bed, I heard Harper whine the following phrases:

"Emmett's touching me."
"You can't play this, you're a baby!"
"He's touching my neck!"
"This is my game."
"Can you take him now, Mom?"

Harper got her first dose of a younger sibling budging in. Little does she know, it's just the beginning. Sharing is hard, especially when you're in the middle of a iPad game - just ask Miss Thang. Let the sibling battles begin!

This past week for TFFN (Thursday Family Fun Night) we headed to New Brighton Community Center. They have an indoor play area, known as the Eagle's Nest that we've heard about. Being members of the Maple Grove Community Center - we've visited the Maple Maze countless times. We thought the Eagle's Nest might be a fun alternative and a nice change of scenery - and that it was!

The Maple Maze and the Eagle's Nest are very similar. Harper ran around, slid down slides and spent most of her time in the ball pit. Emmett even sat in the baby section for a second, but flashed a grumpy face when I pulled out my camera. Like most Thursdays, it ended with a dinner date a Noodles. (I'm afraid they might start remembering our order, since we go there so much!) It certainly was another fun Thursday night with the fam! 

Friday night after work, Bob and Deb kept the kids while Mitch and I went out to celebrate Jenna Juris' 30th birthday! Jonathan and a few girlfriends organized a surprise party bus. It was a total success and a whole lot of fun. I didn't think I had it in me to stay out that late on a Friday, drinking, on a bus. I did just fine and even came home with some extra cash in my wallet, thanks to a $202 pulltab! It was a very fun, adult night out - celebrating with the birthday girl! Happy 30th Jenna!

We have plenty of fun outings and celebrations planned throughout the remainder of February. We're looking forward to the next few weeks!

Until next time…
The Helleens


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