Road Trippin' for Nick's Graduation

Well, it's official - Nick is a college graduate. With a brief change in majors and a move from Fargo, ND (NDSU) to Grand Forks, ND (UND) - we're so proud of the new Air Traffic Controller in our family. There's no way we would miss this grand occasion and graduation celebration, so Saturday morning we started our 4 hour trek to Grand Forks. 

My first rule of road trips? McDonald's breakfast is a requirement. With a full belly from my delicious hashbrown and a egg white delight sandwich I was ready for our drive. The portable TV we bought on Black Friday came in handy again - and we made sure to bring plenty of movies, games, books and the trusty iPad to keep Harper entertained. The screen was strapped to the back of headrest and Harper was content the entire trip watching Little Einstein's over and over again. By the second episode Mitch and I were singing along to the theme song. 

Four hours is a long time, so we did opt to stop in Fergus Falls, MN for a bathroom break and to refuel. Harper was in a crabby mood during our pitstop, and didn't really cooperate. Actually, that's a major understatement - the girl screamed and cried from the time we got out of the car until we buckled up again 25 minutes later. The crying started when we turned off her movie, Little Einsteins and told her she needed to put on her shoes and go potty. Yep, that's not what she wanted to hear. The crocodile tears started flowing followed by loud screams and shrieks. As Mitch filled the gas tank, I attempted to bring Harper into the bathroom for a potty break. After sitting on the toilet (while kicking and crying) I tried calming her down, but the girl was hysterical. She wanted to take off her shoes, but that wasn't going to happen. When I nicely responded "No, we can't take off our shoes. The floor is dirty." the cries got louder. When I picked her up off the toilet, she screamed - "No I need to go potty." After a good 10 minutes fighting my 2 year old to use the bathroom, I finally decided to pick her up and get out of there. I accepted the fact I wasn't going to be a successful, no matter how hard I tried. 

Mitch was waiting outside the bathroom doors and Harper immediately ran into his arms. He convinced her to go into the Men's restroom with him, where after a small battle he succeeded in the potty mission. Thank goodness he was able to work his magic. Naturally we offered to let Harper pick out a snack after the bathroom break. She set her eyes on the messiest thing should could - a chocolate and sprinkled long-john donut. Since we were already dressed for graduation, I poo-pooed that treat idea. (geez, I sound like such a fun sucker!) I suggested an oatmeal raisin cookie or the small donut holes if she really wanted a donut. Her response? "I was donuts and a cookie." Mitch and I looked at each other, rolled out eyes and grabbed both. Our "quick stop" had turned into an extended stay and we needed to get back on the road. After opening her donuts and turning Little Einstein's back on, our sweet little girl was back. 

We made it to the Alerus Center just in time for the ceremony. We toted in Harper's backpack of goodies, plus her loyal pal - Piggy Wigs. Nick had warned us it was a big graduating class, so we were anticipating a long ceremony. Harper enjoyed watching everyone walk in, and loved the descriptor flags of each major. She loves anything music related, so when the band started she moved her arm back and forth informing me, "I'm playing the violin." It was the cutest thing ever. 

Shortly after the commencement ceremony started, Harper and I gather her things and shifted to the hallway. It gave us more space to work with, and she didn't have to use her library voice. (That's something we're still working on). As soon as we walked into the hall, she looked at me and said, "I smell popcorn, let's buy some." After purchasing a tub of popcorn we sat in the hallway reading books, playing memory and coloring. I think every parent with a small child was out there with us, letting their little ones run free. Eventually Harper asked to go back inside with Dad and sit in her big girl chair. I explained to her, if we went inside we'd have to use our library voice. She looked at me with her big blue eyes, as serious as could be and said, "okay Mom, if you say so." I mean honestly, how can you not laugh at that?

We made our way back to our seats just as they started calling out names. Harper sat down and I offered her the iPad. She was rubbing her eyes, which gave me a glimmer of hope that she might be tired enough to crash on our lap. Within 15 minutes, the iPad was put away and her little body was sprawled out across our laps. With Piggy Wigs in hand and my scarf being used as a blanket she quickly fell into her tired daze and eventually her eyes shut. Even with the loud screams and whistles from proud family and friends, she managed to sleep for over an hour. It couldn't have worked out any better. We were able to watch Nick walk across the stage and accept his diploma. We're all so proud of him for following his dream and making it his reality. Way to go Nick!

After graduation, we headed back to Nick's apartment and got the grand tour. It's a beautiful place, certainly didn't scream "college kids live here." Thanks to one of his roommates, Anna - the apartment was perfectly decorated. It was so cute! Harper loved their long sectional. She ran back and forth jumping off the end over and over until we had to leave for dinner. 

We celebrated Nick's accomplishment at Ground Round where people were stuffing their face with popcorn and ordering celebratory drinks. After a wonderful dinner we headed back to Nick's to continue the celebration. Cake is mandatory for a graduation, and he spoiled us all with a Cold Stone ice cream cake. It was amazing, I know Harper enjoyed every bite! As the party continued in the living room, Harper and I made our way to Nick's room to wind down for the night. We watched A Bug's Life, and crashed shortly after the movie ended. Mitch came in to wake us up close to midnight, and I realized I missed games and drinks with the grown ups. That's what I get for thinking I could just lay down for a minute - that never works! 

It was such a fun day Saturday honoring Nick and his major accomplishment. We were also able to visit with Matt and Jen, who we don't get to see too often. It's always fun when we can get the entire family together. Although it was a quick trip, it was worth every mile. Congratulations Nick. We can't wait to see where you're off to next! 

Until next time...
The Helleen's


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