Painting Project

Painting isn't my favorite. Mitch's either. Since neither of us are big fans, we usually dread household projects that involve paint rollers and tape. We tried putting it off as long as possible, but since Harper's new bedroom set is weeks away from being delivered our days were numbered. Not to mention we've realized every weekend in May is booked from here on out - so that also lit a fire under us. 

The spare bedroom was finally cleared of old storage containers, my clothes, shoes and purses. The room that used to be filled with Mitch's childhood bunk beds and old dresser was officially bare - ready for a fresh coat of paint. With most of our day free Sunday, it only made sense to tackle the painting project in Baby H's room. My parents had just returned from Mexico the night before, and since they went an entire week without their Harper fix - they accepted our request to entertain her for a few hours while we worked. 

Our game faces were on, and we had the tunes blaring. We rolled, and rolled for a couple hours until the room was covered in the new blue/grey hue. Going from a darker blue to this fresh light color, the room looks so different. I'm loving it, and can't wait to decorate. 

We're actually in the process of updating all our bedrooms upstairs. I received a call this week from Becker Furniture World notifying me that our bedroom set and new mattress were ready to be delivered. Thursday afternoon Mitch and I finally get the upgrade we've been waiting for. Mitch keeps saying, "I'm just so excited for that new mattress." As I mentioned, Harper's new set is due in any day - and once that arrives the crib and furniture in her room will shift over to Baby H's room. Thanks to Pinterest, I have a lot of ideas for each room. If there were only more hours in a day and funds were unlimited. A girl can dream, right?

As usual, Harper wanted to help when it came to painting. After everything was dry and we were cleaning up the painting mess - we allowed her into the room. She loved the wide open space, plastic covered carpet and paint brushes. She told us, "Look, I'm painting the wall." I didn't have the heart to tell her there wasn't actually paint on the end of her brush. We just smiled, and encouraged her to "paint" her little heart out. 

We can cross off another "to-do" before Baby H arrives. August will be here before we know it, and Summer always goes by way faster than we'd like. We've been trying to help Harper understand the concept of us having a new baby in the house. I think something finally clicked, because she looked at me and said, "Mommy has a baby in her belly." It sort of melted my heart. That adorable statement was followed by, "I have a baby in my belly too, see?" as she pointed to her belly button. We all shared a laugh and just shook our heads. That girl, I tell you. Always bringing smiles to our face. 

This past weekend the rain finally stopped, and we were able to enjoy some fresh air. Harper's mastered the ladder leading to the clubhouse. She climbed up and slid down the slide countless times, always with a giant grin on her face. I'm glad she enjoys the outdoors, and we're able to break out of the house for a while. Watching her be a carefree 2 year old is so refreshing. It makes me realize sometimes we need to slow down and just cherish the simple moments. 

This week we're all gearing up for a busy weekend. Harper and I are traveling to Missouri with my Mom on Thursday for the long weekend. Mitch is preparing for his annual fishing opener trip. It's already Tuesday and I'm quickly realizing all the things I had on my mental checklist are not going to get done before Thursday. I'm looking forward to celebrating Aunt Joan's birthday, visiting with family and creating some new Missouri memories with Harper. We'll certainly miss Mitch while we're gone, and will be eager to see him when we all return Sunday.

Lastly, today is my parents 25th wedding anniversary. The love and support they've shown each other and our family is inspiring. They taught us to work hard in life, and more importantly at our relationships. Life isn't always easy, but when you have a strong support system and loved ones by your side - you'll make it through. Thanks for being terrific parents, and cheers to 25 more! 

Hope all the Mom's out there have a great Mother's Day weekend! 

Until next time...
The Helleen's


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