Yes, I Want To Build a Snowman

Disney is genius. Growing up, I was a lover of all things Disney - and not much has changed now that I'm a 28 year old adult. I have no problem admitting there are days my Spotify is set to "Disney Tunes" and I jam out to "Kiss the Girl" and "I Just Can't Wait to be King." This past weekend, I added a brand new soundtrack to my playlist. Yes, you guessed it - Frozen.

The buzz behind this movie has been insane. Reviews were great, and the overall consensus was everyone who saw the newest Disney feature loved it. It didn't matter your age or your gender, you were humming or singing the tunes instantly. I considered bringing Harper to the theater, but after realizing she's only 2 and doesn't have the longest attention span - we were probably better off waiting for the DVD release. 

When I was picking up a few things at Target on Saturday, my first priority was to get that movie! As I walked in, right in front I saw a cardboard Frozen case where new movies are displayed. Or should I say, were displayed. The first side was completely empty, so I shuffled around in a circle to find the entire case was bare. I had a slight moment of panic. My mind was set on this movie, and I had to have it! I wheeled my empty cart back to the electronics department on a mission to track down this darn movie. I was happy to find plenty of copies just waiting for me. 

That night after dinner, Harper and I enjoyed popsicles and watched what she refers to as "the snowman movie." The story line is so sweet and as promised the music was wonderful and crazy catchy in true Disney fashion. I'm not sure how many times we watched the movie over the course of the weekend, I lost count. I do know Mitch and I couldn't stop singing, "Do you want to build a snowman." Nearly 4 days later, I'm still catching myself singing those lyrics! 

Frozen wasn't the only movie we watched last weekend. Like the Hunger Games series, I quickly became obsessed with a similar trilogy know as Divergent. It's an easy young-adult read with an interesting plot - not to mention a developing romance between the two main characters (which I'm usually a sucker for). The third book of the trilogy came out last October, and it was completely mind-blowing. When I heard the release date for the first movie, I made a point to make sure I was there opening night. Mitch was nice enough to accompany me to the 7pm showing. Surrounded by teenyboppers and a few people our own age - we enjoyed our Friday date night. The movie was good, and even Mitch liked it as a non-book reader. Now I'll just have to wait patiently for another year until the second movie, Insurgent hits theaters. 

Last Tuesday I shared our dramatic swimming experience. After a negative Tuesday night, Mitch and I decided to take Harper to Maple Grove Community Center for our own night of swimming. After we left Foss Swim School Tuesday, we were both worried she was going to be scared to go in the water. That's the last thing we want, swimming is supposed to be fun - not a screamfest! 

She was really excited again at the idea of swimming. We all suited up, and headed to the swim area. Harper was hesitant at first, but finally inched her way into the wading pool. After a few minutes she was getting used to the water. In no time she was laying on her belly and splashing everywhere. She even ventured down the kiddie slide, and was going down by herself like a pro by the end of our visit. Getting water in her face or her eyes didn't seem to bother her quite as much as the night before. When we walked into the deeper water, that's when she wrapped her little arms around Mitch's neck so tight and wouldn't let go. Needless to say, we didn't stay in the deep water long. As long as her feet could touch the bottom - she was fine. Finally, swimming was fun again! 

We tried switching to the Baby Backfloat 1 class, but all the sessions were filled. They credited our account so when we're ready to go back, we can. In the meantime, Mitch and I decided to purchase a family membership to the Maple Grove Community Center where we'll be swimming once a week on our own. Not to mention this also gives us unlimited access to Maple Maze. It should be a fun summer! 

Harper has been quite the little helper lately. Her manners are great for the most part. She certainly uses her "please" and "thank you very much" phrases quite often. There are still moments she needs a little reminder to ask nice, but overall I'm usually impressed. The last week or so, she's been into "cleaning up." I put "cleaning up" in quotes because it's not my idea of cleaning. Harper's concept is more like, make a giant pile and find somewhere to hide EVERYTHING. 

Over the weekend she told me, "Oh Mom, me clean up" and showed me her Hello Kitty purse. Inside I found measuring spoons from the kitchen, a bottle of my nail polish, plastic food, garbage and she was upset a mini football wouldn't fit inside. Tonight while making dinner, I turned around to find her stuffing magnets from the refrigerator, two books and the handles from our kitchen windows into the cabinet. When I asked what she was doing, she responded, "Mom, me clean up." It's impossible not to laugh, smile and love her a little more for these random acts. Everyday is something new. It keeps us on our toes, and makes me treasure these silly moments even more. 

Just a little update on Baby H #2 - I had my 16 week appointment yesterday, and everything is looking great. The sound of that little babes heartbeat is still music to my ears and brings a smile to my face. We scheduled a 20 week ultrasound for April 21st, and that's when we'll get to determine if Harper will have a little sister or brother. 

This pregnancy seems to be cruising by. I realize August really isn't that far away, and our little family of three will soon grow. I'm just starting to feel some movement, which is an unexplainable feeling. I sort of forgot all the little exciting milestones that come with being pregnant. We're nearly halfway there, eek!

Until next time...
The Helleen's


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