Swimming Sorrows

So, tonight we started swimming lessons again. After a year hiatus, we enrolled Harper into Baby Backfloat 2 at Foss Swim School. I walked in the door to my parents house this afternoon, and was greeted by an extra giddy little girl. She walked around saying, "let's go swimming, me go swimming!" We put on our suits, and headed to Foss for our first night of lessons.

Walking into the facility, should couldn't stop smiling or talking about swimming. We undressed and headed into the pool area. She sat and watched the kiddos in the earlier classes, and surprisingly her exciting level grew (I didn't think that was possible!). We met our instructor, Angela and she welcomed us into the pool. Since Harper is a full year older than our last experience, she was able to walk into the pool holding my hand. She made it to the second step, and I saw her whole demeanor change once the water hit her chest. She immediately tensed up, and froze. I tried easing her in, but she was having none of it. I grabbed her and walked over to the others in our class. Harper had a death grip on me, and wouldn't let go. She wouldn't splash, kick, float on her back and getting her face wet wasn't really an option. 

Our 30 minute class was filled with tears and screams the entire time. After many stares from other parents and instructors, I realized Harper's screams were being heard by every single person in the pool area. Mitch was on the sidelines, and Harper kept saying "all done swimming, go sit with Dad." I was shocked she reacted this way to the water. Just a year ago, she loved all 12 weeks of class and was getting used to water in her face. I guess moving up a level after a year of no water time (except baths) wasn't a good idea. Noted. 

I don't think either of us enjoyed our time in the water tonight. After talking with the instructor, we may try again next week and see if it was just a strange mood she was in. Mitch and I also discussed moving back to Baby Backfloat 1 to re-introduce her to the full face dunk. We'll see how next week goes, at this point I'm not too optimistic. I asked if she wanted to go swimming again next week. Her response: "Yea, let's go swimming. All done in water though." Umm, but that's the whole point of swimming you goofball! Maybe Harper is more of a land gal, than a water gal. I see more music and dance classes in our future. :)

As I sit hear and type, snow is falling. It's depressing, and we couldn't be more ready for Spring. Last week we did get a tiny taste, and it was incredible. With a few days in the 40's we took full advantage of the warming temps. While Mitch went for his first outdoor run of the season, Harper and I did our usual lake route on her bike. It felt great to be outside, and breathe some fresh air. 

With spring-fever, Mitch uncovered his motorcycle and wheeled it out of the garage for. It's been hibernating for quite some time. Harper was intrigued by the motorcycle, and as soon as he started it up - she said "Mom, what's that funny noise?" This is classic Harper line lately. She asks "what's that funny noise" at least 10 times a day. She thought she was pretty cool, sitting on the back of the Harley. I think Mitch thought it was pretty cool too!

Winter is lingering on a little too long for our liking. We're ready for short sleeves, and sock-free feet and no coats! Eventually it has to come, right? To my fellow Minnesotans - hang in there and drive safe tomorrow! 

Until next time...
The Helleen's


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