Ready. Set. Organize.

I've never been a clean freak, actually as I type that I realize that's sort of an understatement. I'm that girl who looks like I may live out of my car, and the thought of doing laundry makes me cringe. I like to think I've gotten better as I grow older, but I still have my days. However, a flip switched in me this weekend. As I was folding and putting clothes away, I realized how much I hated our closet. It was cluttered with so much empty space we could be utilizing. 

Naturally, I immediately logged on to Pinterest searching closet organizational ideas. Within 30 minutes we were all loaded in the car on our way to Home Depot. After spending entirely too much time and money in the closet aisle, we walked out with our weekend project. Boxes were ripped open as soon as we walked through the door, and Mitch grabbed his tools. Project "Closet Organization" was in full force. 

Clothes took over our entire bedroom, and styrofoam and cardboard strewn across the living room floor. Mitch worked most of the day yesterday (with help from Harper) to complete our mini bedroom upgrade. This morning we transferred our clothes back into our new organized space. It turned out amazing, and I couldn't be happier. Thanks Mitch for making the perfect closet. 

After a long day of home projects, Mitch and I enjoyed an adult night out celebrating Amanda's 29th birthday. She was having a "Wig Birthday Celebration" at Legends Bar in Minneapolis. Since my Mom was visiting family in Missouri, my Dad decided to join us celebrating his "second daughter's" birthday. My Dad isn't big on theme parties, so when I said, "Oh by the way, this is a wig party. Don't worry, I grabbed an extra for you so you don't feel left out." His response was priceless. It went something like this, "Well that's great, but there is no way I'll be wearing a wig. No way." If you notice in my photos below, he totally rocked his "Dad Rocks" hat with stringy grey strands. Dad, please don't be mad I posted these photos! :)

I was impressed with the wig turnout. It was hard to recognize people with their disguise. We had a great time watching the crazies on the dance floor and wiggin' out for Amanda's 29th birthday. Since today is her actual birthday, it's only appropriate to give her a birthday shout out! Happy Birthday Amanda Jo, cheers to many more! 

Earlier in the week, we had quite the snow storm. The meteorologists were predicting 5-10 inches in less than 24 hours. Around noon on Thursday the flakes started flying. I have to admit, the large flakes looked beautiful - but we're so over Winter! I decided to leave work at 3pm, attempting to keep my commute time to a minimum. Luckily the roads weren't too bad, and I made it home within an hour (which was better than I expected). Mitch's company let him go home early too, trying to beat the rush hour craziness. 

As soon as we got home, we layered on our winter gear and headed outside to snowblow and shovel. While Mitch did the snow blowing, Harper and I took advantage of the wet snow and built her very first snowman. According her Harper, all snowmen are named Frosty. She had a blast outside, and we practically had to drag her inside. 

The next morning I was dreading my morning commute to work. I knew the temperatures had dropped overnight. Not only were there inches and inches of white stuff on the ground but there was also a layer of ice underneath all the snow. I woke up and got dressed in record time, trying to hit the road early. I pulled out of the driveway, and soon as I put my car in drive my wheels started spinning. I wasn't moving. At all. I kept backing up and trying again hoping to get traction. No luck. After getting stuck a house and half down the street, I put my flashers on and walked home to get Mitch. He just got out of the shower, and quickly got dressed to come to my rescue. We grabbed some shovels and headed to the car. After shoveling our fair share of snow in the street, the Outlander still wasn't budging. With the man power of a neighbor and Mitch they were able to push me home to our driveway. I quickly decided it might be a work from home kind of day. If I couldn't get out of our neighborhood, I could only imagine how my 20 mile commute to Eden Prairie would be - horrible. I had a productive day at home, without leaving my dining room table. 

Overall it was pretty low key weekend. The roads are still ice covered in spots, so traffic is moving slower than usual. We decided that was a pretty good reason to stay put! 

Below is a photo I just had to share. When Harper woke up from her nap today, her hair was crazy! It was extra curly and extra poofy. She wasn't phased by her Einstein hair, but I found it quite hilarious. 

Hope everyone had a great weekend!

Until next time...
The Helleen's 


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