No Self Control Super Bowl Sunday

What's self control when it comes to food? I love and dread Super Bowl Sunday. It's nearly impossible not to consume a days worth of calories at a football party. With cheesy dips, fried goodies, sweet treats and your occasional veggie tray I usually spend most of my time in the kitchen. Not because I want to, because I can't walk away! 

I view today like Thanksgiving, calories just don't count. Eat whatever, get so stuffed you can barely move and go back to your normal routine tomorrow. My parent's always throw a Super Bowl party, and every year we try to find some comfort yumminess to bring. 

Bacon caramel corn is a staple of Mitch's. He loves this stuff (I do too, but pretend to be disgusted by all the awful ingredients) and insists on bringing it every year. It's insanely delicious and highly addictive. The sweet and savory combination is unreal, and ummm... really healthy? Sure, I just keep telling myself that. Again, calories don't count! Harper was excited she got to help pop the popcorn. It's one of her favorite things to make in the kitchen, she's practically a pro. This batch of caramel corn turned out great! After eating my fair share of bacon and caramel corn in creation process, I tried to do my best to stay away from it during game time. I was mildly successful, there were too many other distractions in the kitchen. 

Pizza is always a go-to food in our house, since it happens to be one of the 5 things Harper will actually eat. After catching a cooking segment on the local news, we got the idea for pizza roll ups. It seemed like the perfect party food, and fit the football theme. We piled heaps of cheese and pepperoni into the pizza crust and rolled it all up, then cut individual slices and popped them in the oven. For our first go around, they turned out pretty good. I mean, lets be honest - you can't really go wrong with a pizza inspired dish. 

The party was fun, although the game and commercials were a little disappointing. We all managed to over indulge, and loved every minute of it. Harper finally fell asleep after she tricked several people into giving her cupcakes throughout the night. I think she had 4 total! Until Thanksgiving, I'll do my best to have some self control.

Hope everyone had a fun weekend, and a great Super Bowl Sunday!

Until next time...
The Helleen's


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