Mission: Potty Train

This weekend we've been fully committed to potty training. After an extremely successful potty week, we didn't want to break the streak. We vowed to be homebodies for the weekend, and keep our focus on big girl undies and potty chairs. 

I've mentioned in past posts we've introduced Harper to the potty chair several months ago, with very little success. We celebrated an accidental success story back in August, but interest in the "big girl potty" dwindled quickly. Here we are nearly 5 months later, with our next wave of success stories. It all started Monday when I received a giddy text from my Mom, sharing the news Harper had used the potty chair twice so far and it was only 12:30pm. By the time I picked her up after work, she had 3 successful trips to the bathroom. Once we got home, she went once more. Mitch and I were thrilled! We thought it was only appropriate to celebrate this grand occasion with Which Wich and Freeziac. Let's be honest, we're always looking to find a reason to get frozen yogurt!

As the week went on, Harper started to understand the process even more. By this weekend, she was wearing big girl undies most of the day, with zero accidents! (Well, except for nap time and overnight... but we're taking baby steps!) We have our potty routine down, and she's anxious to get her M&M's or jelly beans afterwards. So far so good, and we're all feeling hopeful. Keep it up Harps!

In the midst of the work week, Mitch and I enjoyed a little date night out. We had tickets to watch the Minnesota Wild take on the Edmonton Oilers at Xcel Energy Center. It was a belated Christmas gift from me to Mitch and a nice break up of our week. Our seats were great (row 5!) and it was fun to watch live hockey again! With a Wild win, it was a terrific night out with the hubs. 

This past week, there were a few days of measurable snow - enough where we needed to snowblow and shovel. Yesterday we woke up to 4 inches of fresh powder coating our driveway. While Mitch snowblowed, Harper and I took on the shoveling duty. We got all bundled up in her snow pants (or "marshmallow pants" if you ask Harper) and had some fun outside. We managed to keep our gloves on the entire time which was a major win, and practically had to drag her inside to eat lunch. We're learning she loves outside in the Winter just as much as Summer. She must be getting used to all the extra layers! 

Last night, Mitch and was having "bro night." Work was nice enough to pass on great seats to the Timberwolves game, so he called a few fellow Dad's for a guys night out. While the boys headed downtown Minneapolis for a little basketball, the ladies and kiddos came over to our house for pizza and the SAG Awards. Harper loved having her friends Bennett and Blake over! However, any time they were sleeping she would march over to them and say "wake up baby!" She made sure to give both of them an Elmo sticker, and even shared some of her toys. It was fun Mom's night in, critiquing the wardrobe choices on the red carpet and swapping baby stories. I think both the guys and gals decided we need to do that more often! 

It's been a fun weekend, even though I'm not used to staying at home so long. I tend to be more of a go-go-goer, but if staying put means no more diapers - I think I can handle it!

Hope everyone had a great weekend!

Until next time...
The Helleen's


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