Brrrr, Happy New Year!

Just when I thought it couldn't get any colder, it does. It's currently a balmy -11º and feels like -25º, and sadly enough tomorrow is supposed to be even colder. Even Governor Dayton ordered schools to be closed on Monday due to the brutal cold. Are we nuts for living here? Maybe, but it's too beautiful to leave. During these chilly stretches we crack out the long underwear, the steamy drinks and hunker down inside.

This past week like everyone else, we welcomed 2014. The past year seemed to be the quickest of my 28 years so far. Since NYE was in the middle of week, many of our friends weren't doing anything too extravagant. Monday we made plans with Jenna and Noel to do something low key, like pizza and bowling. It seemed like a perfect casual way to ring in the new year. Our plans changed on Tuesday morning when Mitch woke up feeling and looking horrible. For the last 5 weeks he's been battling what we assumed was a nasty cold, but it had escalated to the next level. After a trip to urgent care and sick day from work, he was diagnosed with a sinus infection. We kept it pretty low key at home NYE night. We order Applebee's car-side to go, made milkshakes (which Harper loved) and managed to stay up late enough to watch the ball drop. It may not have been a wild and crazy night like we've experienced in the past, but it was the perfect family night celebrating the new year. 

New Years morning I bundled up for the Commitment Day 5k. 2014 marked the second year employees from REACH signed up for the 3.1 mile race. Multiple layers of pants, shirts and jackets managed to keep us warm during the -7º run, not to mention face masks. We all survived the snowy run, and felt better after crossing the finish line. Afterwards we treated ourselves to a delicious breakfast at BLVD in Minnetonka which was much deserved! What a wonderful way to start 2014!

This week we started reorganizing to make room for the new gifts we received over the Christmas holiday, and even managed to try out a few new gadgets. The Kitchen Aid ice cream maker was high on my list of things to try, and after a few days prepping our french vanilla ice cream was ready. After every bite, Harper would say, "Oh, nummy ice cream!" It was delicious and I'm looking forward to experimenting with other flavors!

Mike and Jennie got home for their St. Lucia honeymoon late in the week, so we were celebrating our postponed Christmas with them on Saturday. The day started with Mitch marching around the house in all the green and yellow he could find, for the NDSU football game. It was the third year the Bison were fighting for the FCS national title, so we decided to add to our cheering section. The Helleen crew and my Mom came over for tacos, snacks and to cheer the Bison to another victory. After lots of high-fives and Harper screaming "TOUCHDOWN!" NDSU pulled off a epic win over Towson. 

With plans to go over to Bob & Deb's for a late Christmas celebration after the game, we went into Harper's room to wake her up from a nap. Her naps have been getting shorter, and somedays even non-exisitant. When Mitch peeked into her crib, he noticed a pile of stuffed animals and blankets but no Harper. He called me into the room, thinking she was underneath the pile of toys but after removing everything from the crib we realized it was empty. After a couple seconds of panic I heard someone shuffling in the corner of her room. She was curled up on the floor next to her pillow pets and blankets, in a section of her room I often refer to as "her nook." The little stinker had escaped from her crib again, and found a new place to crash. We had a little discussion with her about climbing out (yet again) and started thinking of transitioning her to a toddler bed. Oh Harper, always keeping us on our toes. :)  

Our post Christmas celebration with the Moren's was a blast. It was fun to have them home again, and Harper loved yelling at poor Belle. That dog is such a trooper since Harper is constantly demanding "Belle, come." Harper was in one of her wacky moods again, running around like a crazy person. She was keeping all of us entertained, like usual. That officially wrapped up our Christmas celebrations. It was an abnormal holiday for all of us in someway, but it was nice to be able to share it all together - late or not. 

As we plan for 2014, I'm not usually one to make resolutions. Maybe goals is a better term for me, it doesn't sound so firm - that way if I don't hit all my "goals" I won't feel so bad. :) Below are 10 things I'd like to learn, experience or get better at in the new year.

1. Drink more water, less Diet Coke!
2. Learn to knit.
3. Get Harper signed up for 2 different organized activities throughout the year.
4. Be better about attending church.
5. Read more.
6. Eat better, & work out at least 3x per week (I know, isn't this on everyone's list?)
7. Start monthly family field trips.
8. Cook more homemade meals.
9. Be better about laundry! :)
10. Get Harper to try vegetables! (this is by far my most challenging!)

Happy New Year everyone!

Until next time...
The Helleen's


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