Kiss Cam

Everyone has some sort of bucket list - things they want to do, places they want to visit, experiences they want to have during their lifetime. This past week I got to mark an item off my very own list. As silly and simple as it sounds, being on the kiss cam at a sporting event made my list - and that was fulfilled Wednesday night at Target Center during the Timberwolves game. 

Mitch got a couple tickets from work earlier that day, and texted asking if I was okay having a date night. Ummm, duh! He lined up his parents to watch Harper for the evening so we could head downtown Minneapolis for the basketball game. After parking we shuffled into the Target Center, out of the below zero temps. Our tickets were scanned, and they pointed us in the direction of the "Backcourt Club." As we walked through the halls, we eventually ended up in a secluded room with two bars, a food buffet and a DJ spinning the music. First stop, the bar. After grabbing our big Summit EPA's we headed to our seats. Looking at the tickets, we made our way to row 3 on the lower level. We were sitting with the "beautiful people!" You could tell we were rookies. We had to ask where the nearest bathroom was and even had the usher confirm we were sitting in the right seats. 

We were certainly enjoying the game, and the people watching was top notch. During a timeout, we noticed a camera man on the court aiming his camera right at us. I didn't think too much of it, and Mitch was convinced we were on TV. Seconds later they announced it was time for the kiss cam, and sure enough Mitch and I made the jumbo tron! He did a little fist pump, and leaned in. I was so excited that it finally happened, and had to share the news via Instagram & Facebook! It was a great date night, and now I can finally say - "We've been on kiss cam!"

Last Wednesday while driving home in the snowy conditions, I got a text from my friend Kelly asking about contractions. I called her up and told her my experience, and how things progressed for me when I was pregnant with Harper. It was only 12/4 so Kelly's contractions were starting nearly 10 days before her actual due date. After a good conversation, we hung up and I couldn't help but think of her throughout the night. I was pleasantly surprised to wake up to a text message from the new mom the next morning welcoming baby Blake Taylor to the world. After work Thursday, I made my way to Fairview Southdale to see sweet baby Blake and the new proud parents. All 6 pounds, 8 ounces of her is perfect. Seeing Kel and Ryan completely smitten by their little newborn brought a perma-smile to my face. Congrats again Stuntz family, and welcome sweet baby Blake!

This past weekend I decided to try to start a holiday baking tradition with Harper. It consisted of cookies and sprinkles, which happen to be two of her favorite things. We both strapped on our aprons, and pulled out Mitch's grandma's sugar cookie recipe. They're really simple cookies, so I figured that would be best for an almost 2 year old. My job was to scoop each cookie out of the bowl, and roll it into a ball. From there I passed it on to Harper where she dropped the ball into a bowl of sprinkles. We both placed it on the cookie sheet and pressed it down with a cup before placing them in the oven. The whole experience was a blast, and Harper was fully engaged during the entire cookie process. Afterwards we all enjoyed our final product!

Last week I gave a sneak peek of Harper's 2-year pictures from Kristen Anne Photography. We received the CD in the mail, so I thought I'd share a few more favorites. It's crazy to think Harper will be 2 years old TOMORROW! As cliché as it sounds, time certainly does fly when you're having fun! 

Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Until next time...
The Helleen's


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