Harper, You're 2!

Two years ago today, our world changed. Harper's entrance into the world was a memorable one (Harper's birth story) and every day since has been just as unforgettable. We laid in the hospital, staring at our perfect 8lb 12oz baby feeling grateful for our little blessing. I still find myself staring , feeling lucky to be her Mom. 

The saying really is true, time really does fly when you're having fun. 2 years old, when did that happen? Sometimes I feel like she's always been a part of our family, not just for the last couple years. However, I still remember every detail of that day, like it was yesterday. Still after two years, Mitch and I find ourselves entertained for hours just watching her. 


It's amazing how you light up the room. Your spunky personality shines through on a daily basis, and I never know what you're going to say next. Just this weekend you told me, "Mom, shake your booty!" and I almost died from laughing so hard. Plus your dance moves were incredible.

Your eating habits still concern me, since I'm convinced you can't live off mac-n-cheese, PB&J, grilled cheese, cheese pizza and fruit your whole life. One day I'm hoping you'll give vegetables a shot. Your love for sweet treats in an issue, but you get it honest (sorry). 

I never knew how much we would love being parents, and you've proven it to be the greatest job in the world. Who knows what the next year will bring, but I do know we'll be doing it together - laughing along the way. 

Happy 2nd birthday hunny bun, we love you very much!

:: Below are pictures from our day. A pitstop at Nadia Cakes for a birthday treat. Dinner at Chuck E. Cheese, followed by more cupcakes and gifts! ::


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