Harper's love for Thomas.

When we had a little girl, I was excited for all things girlie. We've already had plenty of fun with dolls, headbands, ruffles and painted toes... but our latest obsession? Thomas the train. At first, I was a little skeptical. I did the whole, "Thomas is for boys." But after seeing Harper's face light up anytime we hear "They're two, they're four, they're six, they're eight..." I can't help but love that blue tank engine too! Plus, I was happy to find out there are girl trains too. C'mon, a girl train with freckles - how cute is that?

Last weekend, Mitch traveled up North to Breezy Point Resort to celebrate Mike's bachelor party. It sounded like they enjoyed themselves. Lots of golf, and lots of beer. With Mitch away, Harper and I were ready for our very own girls weekend. After work Friday, we made a quick trip to Joann Fabrics to grab a few last minute supplies for Jennie's wedding. While wandering around the store, Harper and Jennie came across this creepy, but adorable pig hat. So naturally, I bought it. The best part is, she actually likes wearing it!

Saturday we woke up with one agenda, shoe shopping. I explained last week how Harper will only wear her Crocs. Since it was a little chilly Satuday, I was able to transition her into what I like to call "winter Crocs" for our shopping trip. We're taking baby steps moving from the foam clog to normal shoes. We'll get there.  After wandering Albertville Outlets looking for Harper winter shoes, we left with clothes and two new Croc charms. (I know, I'm just fueling the Croc fire. But she loves Buzz and Woody from Toy Story, I couldn't pass them up!) The shoe hunt continues.

After our Albertville adventure we stopped by The Woods, this adorable retail shop by our house. They  were having a Harvest Festival, when meant a petting zoo for Harper and free carmel apple sundaes. Harper got to feed the pony named Buzz, and loved the giant tortoise. I even found a birthday/Christmas gift for her while were there! It was a fun impromptu stop.

You would think it would be nap time after all the shopping. Nope, not so much. I tried putting her down for her afternoon nap, but roughly 15 minutes later I heard her little hands at her door trying to escape. She had crawled out of her crib again! After a failed attempt to nap, I thought I'd try letting her lay in our bed and watch her favorite movie - Toy Story. That worked for about a minute, then she was running in and out of the room bringing me toys from the living room. I realized she had been gone for a while, and when I went to check on her I found this:

That little stinker bit 7 buttons off the DVD controller. I caught her with the controller in her mouth, and a pile of buttons on the floor. After this incident, she did take a nap. She was past due, and it was showing. Finally she gave in to her heavy eyes, and went to sleep.

Sunday was beautiful, so we took advantage and enjoyed a stroll by the lake. Harper brought Piggy Wigs in her wagon and enjoyed the view. We yelled at the ducks, collected sticks and dandelions and enjoyed the fresh air. After a girls weekend, we were excited to have Mitch back home!

This week Harper was spoiled with special field trips. While Mitch and I worked, our Mom's were taking Harper around the town on fun adventures. Tuesday, Deb took her to Mall of America for a special screening of a new Thomas movie. She got to play with trains, color, watch the movie and meet Thomas! She was in train heaven! With a picture perfect day, Wednesday Granny and Harper hit Como Zoo. When I picked her up after work, she told me all about the animals. Her favorite? The monkeys, duh. Then Thursday, my Mom and Harper headed to the Apple Orchard for some treats and fun outside. I enjoyed the pictures from our Mom's throughout the day during each adventure. Harper is one lucky girl!  

Hope everyone enjoys this last weekend of September! Bring on October!

Until next time...
The Helleen's


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