Engagement Celebration

What a busy, fun week! Last night we successfully hosted an engagement party for Mitch's sister Jennie and her fiancĂ© Mike. When there is a reason to throw a party, I'm totally on board. It's also a great excuse to get everyone together and meet Mike's family. 

Our Saturday started early getting ready for our party guests. I put on my "baking hat" and baked homemade chocolate chip cookies and carrot cake cupcakes. Thanks to Pinterest, I also had a few other recipes to test out on our guests. By 6pm, our soup, salad and sandwich bar was ready for the newly engaged couple and their guests. 

Even on a snowy Saturday night, everyone braved the winter weather to celebrate the upcoming marriage of Mike and Jennie. When you can eat, drink and mingle with amazing people all night - it's sure to be a great party. Harper loved having new faces to play with, and soaked up every second of the extra attention. We're very lucky to have such an incredible family and group of friends and can't wait for Mike to officially be part of the family. Cheers to Mike and Jennie, let the countdown to 10.11.13 begin!

We missed Mitch's brother Matt and his wife Jenny at the party since they're living in California. We were able to FaceTime with them so they could talk to everyone. Tori even popped a bottle of champagne in honor of Matt and Jen. We poured a little out for you Jen, we missed you! :)

Earlier in the week we met Paul and Kody for dinner after work. It was only appropriate we dine at our usual restaurant - Don Pablos. Years ago Don's unofficially became our "go-to" restaurant with the Donahue's. It's to the point where we all know what we're going to order - so menus aren't necessary. As usual, it was great to catch up with them! Thursday, I headed to Monticello after work to meet Jenna and Melissa for dinner. It had been entirely too long since I'd seen either one of them, so this lady date night was long overdue. Since Melissa lives in St. Cloud, Monticello was a good halfway point for everyone. We could have sat there for hours talking and laughing. Finally around 9:30 we gave hugs, went our separate ways and vowed to get together within the next month. It was such a great night hanging with those ladies!

After the engagement party, today has been pretty low key. I've learned that no matter how late Mitch and I decide to stay up - Harper is still going to be ready to play by 7:30am... and today that was a little tough. Once she got up we watched a little Sprout, ate a great breakfast and came back upstairs to play before her morning nap. Everyday she is learning something new and letting her personality shine a little more. Recently she started showing frustration when she can't do something she wants. I shot a little video (yet again sideways, sorry) of Harper trying to pick up a heavy basket of books. It's hilarious watching her attempt this. She just grunts and looks at you like, "aren't you going to help me?" After a trying a few times, she finally gave up and moved on to something else. Not a day goes by that she doesn't make us laugh. What a goofball.

Well, the Puppy Bowl and winding down and it's almost game time. Don't let me fool you, I could care less about football. I'm all about the food and watching the commercials. Sweatpants, chili and my couch sound like a perfect end to a fun weekend!

Until next time...
The Helleen's


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