Dancing Queen

We have a little dancer on our hands. Within the last week, we've noticed she seems to respond to certain music and shakes her booty when she hears something she likes. It's to the point if you ask her "Harper, how do you dance?" She has no problem showing us her moves. She still has a couple years before she can officially enroll into ballet and tap, but she totally has freestyle down if you ask me. Just check out the video below! All I can say is, this girl totally has a future! :)

It took us a few days last week to get back to our normal routine. We were still on west coast time for the first few days, but finally got back to our regular sleep schedule. It was nice to ease back into things with a short work week. Thursday after work, I was excited to celebrate Amanda's 28th birthday with a girl's night out. Acme Comedy Club in Minneapolis has one of the best birthday deals around, and it's a yearly tradition we attend the week of Amanda's birthday. The month of your birthday, you and 5 friends can attend a show Monday-Thursday for free! We met down at the club after work for dinner and drinks, then laughed it up to 3 hilarious comics. It was such a fun night out celebrating my BFF's birthday!

I was looking forward to the weekend since we didn't have many plans. I think we were still exhausted from our vacations, so catching up on sleep was on my agenda. Needless to say, it wasn't much of a wild weekend for us. I think I was in bed by 9pm both Friday and Saturday night, actually I know I was in bed that early. How sad is that, I'm 27 and I can't even make it to 10pm on the weekend. What the heck happened to me?

Sunday morning we woke up and headed to St. Cloud for Clay's dedication. We were so excited to finally see all 5 members of the Medford clan. The dedication was wonderful, and Harper and Clay even spent some quality bonding time in the nursery. It was a quick trip up, but it was so good to see Christian, Melissa, Madison, Julianne and be part of Clay's special day.

Yesterday afternoon we hung around the house. I was thrilled that Harper finally cooperated and I could put those cute little curls into pigtails. Just ask Mitch, I was practically giddy over her newest hairstyle. My first instinct, GRAB THE CAMERA. Since learning her infamous "cheese face" every time she sees my camera that's exactly what I get... CHEESE! That face melts my heart and makes me smile no matter what kind of mood I'm in. I truly had no idea this sassy little girl could bring us so much joy - but everyday I'm thankful for her and our little family. Cheesy I know, but it's true.

The weekend came and went, and before we knew it the alarm was buzzing alerting us it's Monday. Work was work for both Mitch and I, but Harper had a special field trip day with Grandma Trish. They headed to Maple Grove Community Center to have some fun at the indoor pool. Since Harper loves bath time, I knew she'd love the pool. My mom said she was fearless and had a blast splashing around. Swimming lessons are in our future, not to mention plenty of lake days this summer. 

We have another mini getaway planned this weekend. Mitch's little brother Nick goes to school at the University of North Dakota in Grand Forks, ND. We're heading up Saturday for the night, and looking forward to checking out the city and visiting Nick's stomping grounds!

Until next time...
The Helleen's


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