She's a Thumb Sucker

After a week of trying to "kick the habit" of thumb sucking, we finally gave in. We did a little online research it sounds like it's not so bad when they are this young. Everything I read said it was a great soothing technique for babies her age, we'll need to start worrying if she is 4 years old and still has the nasty habit. So for now, I guess more power to her.

As the weeks continue to come and go, Harper is keeping us entertained with her many giggles and smiles. She is starting react to us talking to her with exaggerated smiley faces and baby coos. We keep saying, "Oh, she is just so chatty." We think she is going to be quite a social butterfly as she grows older. It's amazing how much fun we have sitting on the floor for hours talking and playing with a 10 week old. She is still impressing us with her "tummy-time" skills. Her neck is getting pretty strong, not to mention her legs! We're close to rolling over, she just can't get her hips to turn enough to do the actual flip. We also hit another milestone this past weekend - Harper is officially sleeping in her big girl crib in her own room. For whatever reason I was having a major issue letting her leave our room. I'm happy to report the transition went very well!

This past weekend was pretty low key for us. Saturday morning Harper and I headed to the Original Pancake House in Eden Prairie to meet my old co-worker's Deb and Danielle for breakfast. Danielle gave birth to her son Logan eight days after Harper was born. The three of us enjoyed fluffy pancakes while Harper and Logan slept in their slings. We spend the remainder of the day lounging around the house. We even were surprised by Jenna stopping by to visit!

Sunday we slept in, which felt amazing. I'm still adjusting to being back at work - so sleeping in is quite a treat again. We had reservations that afternoon at the Melting Pot with my parents and Austin. We decided to have Granny Deb and Grandpa Bob watch Harper while we went out to dinner. Technically it was Austin's "birthday dinner." Yes his birthday is October 1st. We always go out to a fun dinner for his birthday, but this past fall and winter snuck up on us. It seemed like every weekend something was going on, so we didn't make it out until mid-February. Better late than never, right?

I always forget how much I enjoy fondue, or should I say fun-due. First of all, who doesn't love cheese? Throw in veggies, bread and apples and it makes it even better. When we wrapped up the meat course it was time to bring on the desserts. Oh how I love love love those desserts. Bananas Foster and Chocolate Berry fondue. I always feel ill every time I leave that place, I'm completely filled to the rim. It's totally worth every bite though.

Monday Mitch had the day off, so he got a taste of what it's like to be a stay-at-home Daddy-o. They came down to Eden Prairie and treated me to Pei Wei for lunch. Any time I can see those two during the work day makes me one happy girl! We laid low in the evenings this week, just hanging out as a family. Mitch has a tendency to put Harper's pants on her head when he is changing her diaper, he thinks it's hilarious. Monday night we did it again, so I decided to document the moment. She doesn't seem to mind.

Last night was a night of celebrating Amanda Jo's 27th birthday. I picked Harper up after work and snuggled for a bit, then headed to Amanda and Jayna's apartment to start the celebration. We headed to Minneapolis for dinner and a night of live stand-up comedy. I always enjoy myself when I see a show at Acme Comedy Co. Jayna even brought cupcakes and candles to dinner to make sure we celebrated right. The comedian was hilarious, he had me in tears from laughing so hard. It was a great night out with the girls celebrating my bestie's birthday!

Tomorrow we're headed down to Bethel to cheer on Nick and his NDSU Volleyball team! It'll be nice to see everyone, and maybe sneak a quick shopping trip in at Rosedale! Go Bison!

Until next time...
The Helleen's


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