Cheer Squad

Just call us cheerleaders. We've been to several sporting events the past week, and Harper has been quite the cheerleader. This past weekend Austin was in a 3-on-3 basketball tournament in Champlin. Saturday we loaded Harper in the car, and headed to Champlin Park High School to watch some basketball. This tournament had the strangest rules. It was half court, 20 minute games and no one could foul out... not your typical basketball tourney. I would call it more "street ball" than anything. We watched a few "games" and cheered on the sidelines. Harper slept most of the time, and I kept telling Mitch he was in charge of swatting any incoming basketballs away from her carseat. Lets just say he was a pro.

Sunday, Mitch's old room-mate Ryan came over with his little girl Ari. She is just about the cutest thing ever. She is 1 1/2, and played with every stuffed animal we had in Harper's room. At least someone could play with them! It was nice to catch up and visit. Unfortunately his wife Amanda was sick, so we didn't get to hang with her. We all agreed we need to get together more often. It's amazing we can live less than 20 miles from each other and go so long without seeing each other. We spent the rest of the evening laying on the couch glued to the TV. We've been watching Sons of Anarchy Season 3, and it pretty much has us hitting "play" on the controller as soon as an episode ends. It's getting intense, and I love it.

Harper and I have stayed busy this week. Monday, Mitch came home to have lunch (which is always a nice mid-day treat). We decided to meet him out for lunch on Tuesday. We enjoyed our El Rodeo while Harper slept. Everyone says "she is such a good baby" since anytime we're out and about she happens to be sleeping. I promise, she is awake plenty. That night, I walked downstairs to find Mitch playing video games, rocking Harper in her bouncer with his foot. It was a priceless scene. I have a feeling I'll be seeing more of this!

Since she is getting bigger, it's really opened up her wardrobe options. We have TONS of 0-3 Month clothing, and it's fun to pick out clothes for her every morning. I had her in a ballerina outfit Tuesday before we met Mitch for lunch. She looked too cute, her belly made the outfit even better. She really does have a ballerina body, just take a look at the picture. Unfortunately we only got to enjoy the outfit for a few hours until we had a major blowout. I'm also getting used to changing clothes several times a day and making sure we have a "backup outfit" when we go out.

Wednesday we were out and about all day! Austin was skiing in the Conference Meet all day. We woke up in time to make his 10:20 race. He did great! Harper again slept during the race, but we stood on the bridge cheering him on! He had another race at 1:30, so in between races my Mom and I grabbed some lunch and ran to JC Penney to see what all the hoopla was about. I've been intrigued by their commercials over the past few weeks and wanted to see what the big "change" was. It appeared that they had the same merchandise just a new pricing strategy. We did a quick run through the store, but didn't see anything we couldn't live without. I guess I was hoping for a more dramatic change. After a little shopping and lunch, we headed back to Elm Creek Park Reserve to cheer on the Osseo skiers one more time. Since it's been so warm, I know the snow conditions are not ideal... but it sure makes us spectators happy. I'll stand outside in January when it's 40 degrees any day!

Harper's version of cheering!

Tonight we attended yet another sporting event. Every year we try to make it to at least one high school hockey game. Since winter is cruising by, we thought we should probably go before the season is over. We bundled Harper up in her snowsuit and headed to the East Arena. She was actually awake for most of the first period, but fell asleep for the remainder of the game. She could barely move in her snowsuit, it was pretty entertaining. We had to snap a picture of our little eskimo baby, it was too cute.

Tomorrow we have the ultimate shopping trip planned. We're going to tackle Mall of America. It'll probably be more window shopping than anything else, but it will be nice to walk around and browse. With my maternity leave coming to and end, I'm trying to soak up my time with Harper and the free days that remain. It'll be hard to leave that adorable smiling face every morning. We'll deal with that when the time comes, until then I'll continue to enjoy the time I do have!

Until next time...
The Helleen's


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