The days keep going faster and faster, but we've been enjoying every second. Mitch and I realized we haven't been outside to taken a breath of fresh air since our ambulance ride over here early Friday morning. We've been busy figuring out Harper's feeding schedule, and realizing the show "Up All Night" is not a lie. We're adapting to the 1 1/2-2 hour stretches of sleep throughout the night, and each night is getting a little easier. Mitch keeps saying he needs to learn how to fall asleep right when his head hits the pillow - our nurses say it won't take long for that habit to form. Feeding is still going well, she is a hungry girl... that's for sure. Last night we received a few calls in the middle of the night from the NICU saying "I know it's hasn't been 3 hours yet, but I think Harper is ready for you!" When we get down there she is wide eyed, ready to rumble!
At 12am last night they shut off Harper's chest tube, and monitored it for air throughout the night and most of this morning. After being shut off for 12 hours, they clamped the tube to see how her lungs reacted. Their plan was to take an x-ray after a few hours of the tube being clamped and if everything looked good, the chest tube could finally be removed. It's been a little difficult to hold her and move her around due to all the wires, tubes and cords. She was finally taken off her IV today, so that was one less tube to worry about. Once the chest tube is gone, this will make it easier for others to hold her. We knew they were taking the x-ray at 5pm, so shortly after 5 we headed down to see what the verdict was. Mitch and I walked the hall, hand-in-hand knowing this was big news we were about to hear. We buzzed the door to get into the NICU, washed up, and headed to Harper's corner. She was sleeping so peacefully, and making her usual adorable "sleeping faces." The nurse came over and told us the wonderful news, the chest tube was coming out! Her x-ray looked great, so finally she would be tubeless! Mitch and I actually got to help the doctor remove the tube. Mitch was on arm duty, making sure she kept her arms down and away from the doctor's gloves. My job was to keep her entertained with the pacifier, she doesn't love them so it was a little difficult to keep her from crying. It took just a couple minutes, and ta-dah... the tube was out! She did a wonderful job, and has been such a trooper the last few days. Now the plan is to watch her and make sure everything stays the way it should. We're hoping to head home in the next day or two. Needless to say, we can't wait for that! We've tried to document her time in the NICU with pictures - see below.
Harper's Chest Tube |
Smiley Girl! |
Harper's Little Nook |
Chest Tube Vacuum |
It's so hard not to take a million pictures of her. Since we're unable to dress her up in different outfits right now, we've been relying heavily on accessories. We bring a new hat or headband down everyday for our daily photo shoot. It's hard to pick a favorite, I think they are all too cute. Here are a just a few...
Who doesn't love a giant flower headband? |
Wide awake after feeding! |
New family photo! :) |
"Knitting Grandma's" hat from MG Hospital |
Now we're just getting ridiculous :) |
I was officially discharged from the hospital today. Since Harper is still in the NICU, they have the option for Mitch and I to stay thanks to their "boarding" program. It allows us to stay here at the hospital (in the same room we've been in) so we can be close to Harper. Basically the room acts as a hotel, it's just a place for us to sleep. We don't get nursing care, and are on our own for meals. We're so thankful this is offered, it would be impossible to leave her here and just get to visit during the day. Since we're able to stay, we can keep up on feeding throughout the night and be just a few steps away from her. We're hoping tomorrow we can find out exactly when we'll all be able to go home. We can't wait to put her in her "take home outfit" and head home - I know it'll be soon.
Until next time...
The Helleen's
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