IALTO! I Always Love That One

It's always difficult to get back into the swing of things after a short holiday week. I mean, we've just come off a 3-day work week, spending relaxing time with family and eating entirely too much. This past week and weekend we had a mission to finish most of our Christmas shopping since time will be limited once Baby H joins us. Overall it was a pretty successful shopping weekend, with only a few things left on our list. 

Friday night was "girls night" for me. I met Jennie and Amanda at Cheesecake Factory for dinner, and then we headed to the Edina theater to see the movie "Like Crazy." Dinner was incredible. Actually, let me re-phrase that... the Dutch Apple Caramel Streusel cheesecake was more incredible than my actual food. I had forgotten how much I love cheesecake. We sort of stepped out of our "Maple Grove bubble" and ventured this adorable movie theater in Edina. It was right off 50th & France and had a vintage feel to it. The movie was pretty good, until the very end. If you don't like movies that just end... I wouldn't recommend seeing this one. No complaints here, anytime I get to spend with those girlies equals a good night!

Saturday Mitch and I sort of had a date night. We went to a comedy show in Coon Rapids with a couple of his co-worker's and had a great time. I was looking forward to the show all week, as one of local sports radio personalities I'm slightly obsessed with was hosting the show. He's known as "the dream of the everyday housewife," or "the radio romeo." I listen to him daily from 12-3, and giggle at my desk when he tells the same jokes day after day. In my eyes, Dan Cole "The Common Man" might be one of the most entertaining radio hosts I've heard. His stand up was spectacular, equally as funny as his everyday humor. There were four other comedians who performed, one that didn't connect with the audience at all. It's always a little uncomfortable during a stand-up routine when not a single soul is laughing at the jokes. Luckily this guy caught on and stopped after 5 minutes. The remaining comedians were very funny and had the crowd rolling. At the end of the night, I even got my picture taken with Common. IALTO!

Me & Common Man

We spent most of Sunday morning laying in bed, which is always nice. I'm really soaking up the whole "sleeping in" thing while I can. We were surprised that night by an impromptu dinner party. The Medford's had been in town for the day, and called wondering if they could stop by and say hello. We had already had plans for Kelly to come over for dinner since she is still in town from California, so we decided... the more the merrier. Everyone came over, we had dinner and spent some time catching up. It ended up being a great night, with wonderful company. Kelly and I even indulged in some root beer floats.

As for baby news... there isn't too much to report. We're days away from our due date... 4 to be exact. We had our weekly appointment tonight, but we're still in the same position we were last week. Thankfully Baby H's heartbeat is still strong and sounding great which is most important. I'm still dilated at 1cm, and effaced 50%. So needless to say, we're still patiently waiting. I try not to get my hopes up that she is coming early, I think I'll drive myself crazy if I do that. Mitch predicts I'll be two days late and have her over the weekend. At this point, I'm convinced I'll be overdue and we'll have to be induced. If we do go past our due day (Friday), I'll have my regular Monday appointment next week. That's when we'll start talking about scheduling an induction. No matter what happens, as long as she is healthy and happy I'm completely satisfied. We'll see how the rest of the week goes, and if she decides to join us on schedule. Come on Baby H, we're excited to finally meet you!

Until next time...
The Helleen's


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