Crib Escapee

So, Harper has a new trick. It's not a very cool trick if you ask me. This particular trick has me worried that I'll wake up to her roaming aimlessly around our house. 

It was just a normal weekend, and Miss Crabby Pants made it clear it was nap time. We went through our regular "night night" routine, and shut her bedroom door. She had been quiet for a good 15 minutes, so I assumed Sleeping Beauty was snoozing. Nope, very wrong. I heard Mitch come out of our room and open her bedroom door. Then I heard, "Harper, are you kidding me?" Somehow she had climbed out of her crib, and was wiggling the door handle trying to get out of her room. Needless to say, she did not nap that afternoon.

We continued with our Saturday, and decided to head up to Family Fest in Maple Grove. It was a beautiful day, so we thought we'd check it out. Harper met the Maple Grove Ambassadors, played a few games, won a sucker (which she loved) and left with a yellow balloon. Overall, success. On the way home, we decided to make an impromptu stop at Kerber Park. Harper loved the playground and the sand. She was practically rolling in it. Once she decided to lick the sand, we decided it was time to leave. With the last few weeks of Summer ahead of us - we'll continue our tour of the Maple Grove parks! 

So, back to our lil' climbing monkey. Saturday night we went to bed as usual, and before Mitch and I called it a night we peeked in to make sure she was still in her crib. So far, so good. Around 7am Sunday morning, we heard the door knob rattling again. There was Harper, all smiles. She greeted him with her signature "Hi's." We continued to tell her, "Harper, that's a no no. You can get really hurt - a big boo boo." She then decided to go around pointing to her crib yelling, "no no!" Ugh, that girl!

We put her back in her crib that morning and said, "show us how you get out." So that's exactly what she did. She went to the corner of her crib, grabbed on and pulled herself up. She whipped her leg up, turned around and hung from the bed. Eventually she let go and dropped to the ground landing on her feet. She smiled and marched right passed us, proud of her climbing abilities. I'm not going to lie - Mitch and I were pretty impressed. We're trying to get the point across to her that it's a "no no" but I'm not sure she cares.

I've been researching what to do, since I know she's not ready for the "big girl" bed. We have a few ideas, so we'll see how it goes. If anyone has experienced this, and would like to share their stories/solutions - I'd love to hear it. Until then, I'll just continue to worry that she's escaped in the middle of the night (even though I'm pretty sure that won't happen). Thank goodness she can't open the door (yet), then we would be in major trouble!

We have a busy fun weekend ahead of us, celebrating Jennie and Mike's upcoming nuptials. Family is coming from out of town to celebrate with a couples shower Friday and a girls day/night on Saturday. Bring on the pre-wedding festivities!

Have a great week everyone! Oh also, a special shout out to Kelly and Ryan! They're having a baby girl, who happens to be due to arrive on Harper's 2nd birthday. December 15th is an excellent date Baby S! :)

Until next time...
The Helleen's


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