The Blur Year

2021 - the blur year.

Does anyone else feel that way too? That these past 12 months were lightning fast, and recalling everything (or anything) that happened feels impossible?

For me, I jumped into 2021, mindful of COVID and keeping our family safe, but I felt ready for overloaded calendars and organized chaos again. It didn't take long for our kiddo's extracurricular activities, work schedules, side projects, volunteer opportunities, and regular life to suck up most of our free time, causing the blur.

On the last day of 2021, I find myself reflecting on the year we had as a family. I've scrolled through the thousands of snapshots I've captured on my phone in the last twelve months, forcing my brain to work hard to remember the times that made us smile or the moments we depended on each other for support. In those photos, I see the joy and hurt. Moments of accomplishment and hard work, and instances that didn't go as planned. I noticed how we grew as individuals and as a whole team. I mean, we did some really cool things!

So maybe 2021 wasn't a blur. There were just times I was too worried about moving quickly on to the next thing that I forgot to value the present.

So, cheers to 2022! Here's to worrying less and working to live in the moment! 

Happy New Year, all!


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