Thanks For the First Day

As we've all learned by now, 2020 is anything but ordinary. The end of the 2019-2020 school year was unexpected, so we started the 2020-2021 school year with a positive attitude, a lot of patience, grace, and kindness - for all students, families, teachers, admins, and every district staff member.

I can't imagine the logistics and planning that went into the start of an unknown school year. The class lists, childcare, bus transportation, meals, technology, support, lesson plans, daily agendas - the list goes on. Not to mention trying to "plan" for several scenarios, with the possibility to pivot at any given moment. It feels overwhelming for me, and I don't even have to organize plans or make those tough decisions that affect so many in our community. 

Today was the first day of school for our district. The first two weeks are full distance learning, with the plan to go to hybrid at the end of the month. 

Was the first day flawless for us? Nope. 

Did our house have moments of frustration? Of course. 

Did I freak out in front of my Kindergartener or 3rd grader because things weren't working? Silently in my head, maybe. 

I realized when both Harper and Emmett were teeny tiny babies that they were quick to mimic my reaction to things. If I yelled, they yelled back. If I cried, they cried. If I laughed, they laughed. Because of that, I try to be as positive as possible about our current school situation. Is it ideal? As Emmett always says, "Yeaaaaaa...... NOOOOOO!" But I constantly tell my family, "If you go in with a crummy attitude, you're going to have a crummy time," and most of time, that's true.

I can't help to think, if they see me take a deep breath as I calmly try to log them back into their Google Meet, that will be their go-to reaction too. If I tell them how awesome their principal and school is at communicating to us when there are bandwidth issues and they're actively working on it, they seem less frustrated. When I tell them their teacher understands these first day of school issues, and everything will work out fine - I can see ease come across their face.

Was the first day flawless? No. Is it ever? Probably not, we're just not there to witness every single moment of their day. Even with our tech issues, both of my kiddos exited their meetings today with smiles on their face, and excitement for this new school year. 

So, thank you. Thank you to all staff, for all the time and effort you've put in to make the start of this school year as good you can, given the current circumstances. Thank you for sharing your smiles, words of encouragement, and positive attitudes with your students and their families. Thank you for constantly communicating with us today, even when it wasn't the best news you were required to deliver. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I hope you heard and felt that today.

This is not how any of us envisioned our kiddos starting the school year. Each family with their own opinions, feelings, and daily situations. To working parents, single parents, homeschooling parents, teacher parents who are trying to teach their own classes while navigating their children's education, all variations - you're doing great. Even the times you feel like you aren't, I bet you are. 

So, tonight in the Helleen house, we're talking about our "highs" from today, taking a deep breath and gearing up for an even better day two.




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