Missing The Sun

We're Minnesotans, but can we all agree winter is over-staying it's welcome this year? 

As residents of this beautiful state, we know winters can draggggg on. This winter is no exception. With record-breaking snowfalls and six days of school closures due to inclement weather, by the end of February, we were already boycotting winter. Unfortunately, we knew we still had a long way to go.

It's April 8th today, which is technically spring. Our yards are finally snow-free. I've hung the kiddos snowpants in the closet and tucked their snowboots away hoping the days of white-covered streets are behind us for the season. 

As our work-day ended and the kiddos got home from school we rushed outside to enjoy the almost 70° afternoon. Both Harper and Emmett rocked short sleeves and big smiles, and I exposed my bare feet to the cool grass for the first time this year and it felt AMAZING. 

During our parent vs. kid game of t-ball tonight, a weather alert hit my phone. SEVERE WEATHER ALERT - Winter Storm Watch near Maple Grove, MN. Ummmm, what? Winter. Storm. Watch? Impossible. I'm currently barefoot, outside chasing our kiddos around spraypainted bases in our backyard, not prepping for a winter storm! 

As I read the report from the local meteorologist, I realized I was bamboozled by Minnesota again. These wonderful spring days are sprinkled in every year and naive, wishful northerners like myself are convinced winter is over. But, it's not. It never is. 

The snow is scheduled to start here on Wednesday, and if I'm to believe what the weather-people are saying, we could be "enjoying" up to 15 inches by Friday. So naturally, I'm distracting myself by looking back at sunny Costa Rica pictures. Last month, Mitch and I enjoyed five beautiful days in sunny, Guanacaste, Costa Rica. We traveled with my work-group, which is always a great time. It was five days that we got to spend quality time together, just us two. 

I've decided I can't let a little April snow drag me down. I'm grateful for these Costa Rica memories and I'm reminded of all the incredible things our trip had to offer. My hubby. Sunshine and sunsets. Baby sea turtles. Coconut water straight from the coconut. Beaches and catamarans. Monkeys. Delicious food and Imperial Lights. Sunkissed skin. Discotheques. Pools and impromptu foam parties. Drone life. A great company to work for and even greater friends. 

As they say, Pura Vida. 



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