Girl, Get Your Life Together!

My brain feels like a hot mess lately.

I used to define myself as a well-organized, multi-tasking, go-go-goer. I was proud of those qualities and thought they'd stick with me forever. Now as a 33 year-old, working mother of two - I'm starting to realize those important life characteristics are morphing and diminishing.

Organization doesn't seem to be in my vocabulary lately. I have a tendency to over-book (or double-book) our calendars, causing crammed schedules with little wiggle room. Luckily our kiddos (and Mitch) are used to my go-go-go lifestyle - so it doesn't come as a huge shock to them. What used to feel like organized chaos just feels like utter chaos now.

I've tried using the calendar on my phone - but I'm terrible at keeping up with it. Since technology wasn't helping track our schedules, I decided to go old-school and bought a super cute planner thinking maybe that alone would motivate me. I SWORE by my planner in college. Classes and activities were color coded and I carried it with me everywhere. I was delighted with my planner and how "put together" it made me feel.

Spoiler alert, the planner didn't work for me either. I spent an entire day color coordinating school events, extra curricular activities, birthdays and anniversaries, personal happenings and special reminders. I was pumped about it. I thought I had turned the organizational corner, and that the "old Tristan" was back and ready for organized action! But after a day of carrying it around, it just sat there... never to be picked up again. I mean, what a bummer - right?

My personal emails have piled up. I've been awful at replying to emails and texts. I do this thing where I mentally respond and have really good intentions to circle back later and follow through with an actual response... but I don't. Not because I don't want to, because it quickly becomes "out of sight, out of mind." I feel awful when I'm the culprit, because I literally despise when it happens to me.

As the busy holiday season approaches, I feel an urge to do something about all of this. The mental train feels nearly derailed,  but it's still hanging on and I have hope. Today when people ask me about dates or events later this winter, or even worse - dates into spring and summer my brain feels like it completely shuts down. It's like I hear this tiny alarm saying, "Tristan! Stop listening! You don't even know what's going on this weekend, you couldn't possibily think that far in advance!" But you know what? I think I can, and I think I have to. For my own sanity, for my family and friends, and getting to a place where I don't feel anxious every time a future date is brought up in conversation.

For all you uber-organized, well put-together people out there... please do share your tricks and tips. I think I may need all the help I can get!

Until next time...
The Helleen's

{Last weekend was one where I crammed mannnny things onto our calendar... but we had lots of fun!}

Harper attended the Jump Dance Convention Saturday and Sunday

We hosted our first annual Friendsgiving Fiesta

Harper had a playdate with school friends, so Mitch and I took Emmett on a special movie date!



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