Screen Time Struggles

Lets talk screen time.

Is it just us, or can the topic of screen time be a battle with your kiddos? The amount of times we hear "Can I play with your <insert electronic device here>?" per week is cringe worthy. It feels like they're constantly trying to get their grubby little fingers and eyes on our phones, iPads, or TV screens - and for what?  To watch some adult who remains faceless un-box/un-bag toys on YouTube, to play one of the million silly games that now exist in our device centric world, or escape into the never-ending rabbit hole that is the internet?  I'm convinced the fluorescent glow of the screen attracts them like tiny insects and instantly removes their sense of hearing. 

When we go to the pediatrician for the kiddos checkups I sort of dread the question on the form, "How much screen time does your child get?" First of all, I'm a terrible liar (ask my family, friends and co-workers... TERRIBLE!). I typically circle the middle option because that always seems safe. Not too much screen time, not too little - just the right amount. Okay, Goldilocks. 

The truth is, we don't typically monitor the actual amount of time they're watching toons, playing video games or being sucked into another video of Ryan's Toy Review on YouTube. And should we? Maybe. I'm not totally sure. I grew up watching plenty of TV, playing Gameboy/Super Nintendo and loved every second of it. Saturday morning cartoons were in their prime, Nickelodeon was full of hits, plus I watched plenty of game shows and soap operas with my Grandma and I feel like I turned out halfway decent. 

Then I got to thinking, kids are tiny sponges. They're always observing and mimicking our every move, often times without us even realizing we're under their microscope. How many times do they ask to play with my phone while I'm aimlessly scrolling through Facebook or Instagram? Probably more than I'd like to admit. As I utter the words to my nearly 7 and 4 year olds, "Why don't you find something to do that doesn't involve a screen?" I continue to scroll, eyes peeled to my own screen not even making eye contact with them. As I write those words, I instantly feel guilty.

Mitch and I regularly hound each other in a semi-joking manner about the amount of time we're on our phones. He would say I'm the biggest offender, but I like to believe we're both not great. Although I probably am a little worse than him, I guess. :) I immediately get defensive, trying to convince myself I could go 24 hours without my phone within arms length - but the thought of that seems scary, which also seems sad. If I was actually doing something useful while on my phone, that would be one thing but to put it simple - I'm not. Although I can't imagine driving without a GPS with me at all times. I commend those who used actual paper maps back in the day and just knew directions and time management when it came to driving. I'm truly in awe of that, it seems impossible nowadays. 

Maybe this is just the world we live in. Where groups of friends gather in the same room and out of habit half of us are looking at our phones rather than actually engaging in conversations. Where elementary school aged kids are bringing their own phones to and from school. Where every other table at a restaurant has a kiddo staring at a phone or tablet screen to keep them occupied. I'm guilty of all of the above, although neither of my children have their own phone, do you think I'm nuts? It just seems like this is our new norm, and it's not changing any time soon. Technology keeps enhancing and we as consumers keep eating it up. It's hard not to. 

In no way do I think screen time is bad, clearly we're all active users in this house. Like most things, it seems moderation is key. As long as our kids continue to do non-screen related things like read, write, color, play outside, snuggle their Mama - I think we can consider that a win. I guess I just realized lately, it's not just our kids who crave and demand screen time - maybe I'm just as bad, if not worse. 

Although I can't see myself bidding farewell to my iPhone, I do think I can try to be more aware of the time I'm wasting on it. So if we're hanging out, and you see me casually scrolling through - call me out on my shenanigans. I'd much rather talk to you any way. :)

Until next time...
The Helleen's  


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