Isn't That Convenient

Hey, remember me? We're still here, adventuring and keeping busy. 

Years ago when I thought we were "soooooo busy," were we really? If I think back to our days before Harper and Emmett, what on Earth did we do with all our spare time? Nothing sticks out in this 31-year old memory of mine, except that I likely took more naps and worried less about wrinkles. My best guess is, maybe our "busy" just changed once we had kids. 

Our calendar nowadays is filled with dance class, gymnastics practice, music classes, themed days for school, playdates with friends and birthday parties. Don't get me wrong - I LOVE being on-the-go and I wouldn't trade our wacky schedule for anything. But the new year started a conversation between Mitch and myself - what are some things we could do to make this "busy" time in our lives more convenient for our family? 

There are products and services EVERYWHERE that can make life for busy families more convenient. We sat down and brainstormed a few things that would be helpful for ours. We found ourselves going out to eat - a lot. I mean, sitting down and being served at a restaurant is practically the definition of convenience, right? We were missing the "family dinner" feel in our own home, something I was brought up to believe is a very important nightly ritual. 

After talking to a few friends, reading a few reviews and comparisons online and hearing the daily mentions on the podcasts I listen to - we decided to give Blue Apron a go. Weekly, fresh ingredients are delivered to our door along with recipes and step-by-step instructions on how to execute the meal. Our hope was to cook more at home, go out to eat less and reinstate the importance of family meals. Not to mention it will allow us (and our kiddos) to try different foods and hopefully reduce the amount of "filler" groceries we buy just because they're so tempting to toss in the cart. 

We're on week two of our meal delivery service, and I'd like to report I'm loving it. Not only does it make me feel like I'm competing on Chopped when I open the box and see a pile of fresh ingredients, but it's forcing us (and by us, I mean Mitch 😉) out of our comfort food zone. I'm also realizing just how much I enjoy cooking. I mean, it is pretty seamless when everything is portioned out for you and there is a one-pager of very details directions. This food service is proving to be very convenient for our family and I'm looking for to creating more tasty dishes!

There are a few fun photos/experiences/stories to share that have happened to us over the last month and half, so in rapid-fire fashion - here's what we've been up to:

Last weekend Mitch and Harper went to the Daddy/Daughter dance at Rush Creek Golf Club. Harper spent the afternoon getting pampered at "Mom Salon" and then I insisted on posing them for nearly 30 minutes to take pictures. Harper was totally into my photo sesh, Mitch - not so much. Harper was giddy with excitement and when she did her big reveal to Mitch (yes, I had to introduce her into the room so she could make her grand entrance) she saw him in a suit and said, "Oh my gosh Dad, it's like we're getting married!" It was adorable and heart melting and I couldn't wait to hear about their special night. I got a few updates throughout the evening. Basically, Harper was a dancing machine and it was an awesome time. I must say it truly was the CUTEST. THING. EVER!



Last month Emmett graduated from his crib to a big boy bed. We asked what kind of bed he wanted, and it was no surprise "TURTLES" screamed from his mouth. (Seriously, the kid is TMNT obsessed. He lives a turtle life.) The first week was a little rocky. He didn't want us to leave his room at night, and we quickly found out duder is a wild sleeper. It didn't take long before we heard a big "thump" in the middle of the night followed by crying. I walked into his room to find a tearful little E sitting on the floor sleepy and confused. 

Fast forward 4 weeks later, he now pushes me out of his room. What once was our snuggle time has been replaced by my 2 1/2 year old pushing me away saying, "Night night. Mommy has to go. Love you. Sweet dreams." We've only had a few other falling occurrences, which he now recites before I leave, "Me stay in me bed. Me no get out. Me stay on me pillow." 😂 Yes, buddy. You nailed it. 

Harper got EARRINGS! Since she was 4 we've discussed the possibility of getting her ears pierced. She originally noticed mine and said, "I want my ears pierced." She followed up that statement by asking how it was done. I hesitantly explained the process without making it sound too spooky, but she quickly added that to her 5-year old bucket list. 

Once she noticed a few friends at school and dance class had earrings, she was all in. We made the appointment, she picked out a perfectly pink flower earring set and she bravely climbed into the chair.  Minutes before the actual piercing, there was a little hesitation - and by a little hesitation I mean Harper practically shouting "NO! I AM NOT DOING THIS!" The wonderful woman at SnipIts walked her through the process again, step-by-step calming her nerves and quickly convincing her there was nothing to be afraid of. Within seconds my sweet little girlie was sporting her first pair of earrings. 😍

There are plenty more stories I could blab on about, but I'll save you from the boredom and just include the pictures. We've had a few super fun family days, Harper is working on her ice skating skills this winter and Emmett continues charm us. Oh and DANCE COSTUMES! We just got them this week and they are just the cutest. I can't wait for that recital this June!   



Until next time...
The Helleen's


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