Heavy on Pictures, Light on Content

Remember when I said I was going to be more consistent with my posts? That I was going to shoot for sharing our shenanigans at least every couple weeks? Well, that hasn't happened. It's actually gotten less frequent, so I'm going to go ahead and chalk that up as a big ol' fail.

I'm going to pull the "busy" card as the main excuse for my lack of over-sharing our weekly adventures. Although, if you follow me on Instagram you know I'm very good at over-posting. :) 

It's been nearly a month since my last update, so here's what we've been up to. To save you from complete boredom, it's heavy on pictures light on content. 

Amanda's Bachelorette Weekend

A few weeks ago we celebrated Amanda's bachelorette party at Breezy Point Resort on Pelican Lake. We did a little shopping in Nisswa, went to the bar in sweatpants and trucker hats, soaked up some rays on the boat and whooped it up at Moonlite Bay. 

It was such a fun group celebrating the "Soon-To-Be Mrs. Wavrin" and an unforgettable weekend! (Although the wedding was this weekend, so technically she is Mrs. Wavrin. BTW, it was absolutely perfect, but I will gab about that in a completely separate blog post!)

Helleen Get Together

We also spent a couple full weekends with the Helleen's celebrating various special occasions. Nick was in town from Alaska, and Matt, Jen and their sweet new addition traveled down from North Dakota. Harper and Emmett spent hours outside playing with Harley and splashing in the pool. We had to change the water multiple times since it quickly turned brown from the kiddos and pups climbing in and out.  

It's always nice when everyone is in town together. We laughed at corny jokes and all the inappropriateness that was trickled in. Harper and Em loved meeting their new baby cousin and I sneaked in as many baby snuggles as I could. We're hoping to have many more memory making weekends together in the future. 


Harper, The Gymnast 

We are taking a couple months off from Dance and jumped back into gymnastics, or "junastics" as Harper calls it for the summer. It was decided to try a new gym, one that was a little closer to our house. That makes getting there after work in the insane road construction a little more manageable. 

Harper is absolutely loving every second. She's constantly practicing her cartwheels, attempting headstands and loves doing backwards flips on the rings. Our little rule follower is careful to listen to her coach. After class, she quickly tells me if someone "didn't follow the rules." She runs out of the gym when the hour is up, smiling and sweaty. We may have to continue with gymnastics into the fall!  

Being Outdoorsy & Family Time

We love to be outside, so anytime we can find something to do in the fresh air - we jump on it. It was risky, but we decided to take the kids mini golfing. Harper was a little more cooperative than Emmett, but if she didn't like her shot she would just go pick up her ball and start the hole over. Emmett liked picking up other people's balls and would rather throw or drop them in the hole rather that using his putter. Even if we did break about every rule known to man, we still had a blast. 

On a rainy night, Harper, Jennie and I went to the theater to see Finding Dory. We stopped at the concessions beforehand to make sure we had plenty of popcorn. (I learned my lesson from the last movie I took Harper to!) Harper sat through the entire thing, no problem - and the story was adorable. Up next for our theater experience, The Secret Life of Pets!

Mitch and I had a date night at Canterbury a couple weeks ago, which is always a ton of fun. We met at Maynards on Minnetonka for Happy Hour and then headed down to the horse track on a Friday after work. Although we didn't leave with many winnings, it was still a fun adult night out. 

4th of July 

I love the 4th of July. Family, fireworks, and celebrating our freedom! Harper and E loved doing sparklers in the cul-de-sac at Granny and Pops. We went lawn bowling with the Helleen's (so fun!), celebrated the wonderful life of Mitch's Granny, shared a memorable shopping trip with my sisters, took Harper and Emmett to their very first fireworks show and ended the weekend with a trip to the park and a friendly game of kickball. Such a wonderful weekend and true test of how important family support is. 



That's our last month all summed up, or at least the cliff notes. My hope is to make these more frequent, but as you know I've said that before. No matter what, our adventures continue. I'll fill you in eventually. :)

Until next time…
The Helleen's


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