Catching Up

Here we are, already wrapping up the first month of the new year. How did that happen so fast? Clearly 2016 is off to a busy start since it's been nearly three weeks since my last post - so here is what we've been up to.

Harper started the new year off at the doctor for her 4-year old check up. I can physically see her cringe every time I mutter the word "doctor." In that sweet little head of hers, doctor = shots, so I tried to play it cool preparing her for the annual checkup. 

Since I knew she already had a flu shot and she wouldn't get school shots until she was 5, I promised and stressed to her that this was just a simple checkup, very Doc McStuffins like. The doctor would just "check her ears, check her eyes, find out how much she's grown - time for your checkup!" I think I assured her there would be no shots at least 100 times until she finally believed me. 

Everything was going just as I had imagined. They recorded her height and weight, checked her blood pressure and told us they'd do the hearing and vision test at the very end. Seemed like a standard checkup. Once our doctor came in (who I love) she shared some news that literally left my mouth hanging wide. "So, Harper will get her booster shots today. We started doing them at 4-year appointments rather than 5 - the kids just seem more forgiving and it seems easier to do." I'm not sure how much time passed with me just staring at her dumbfounded. I was finally able to grumble the words, "but I promised her there were no shots." 

The wheels in my head were turning. How was I going to break the news to Harper that her Mom is a big fat liar? I finally convinced myself that I could sneak into conversation that she had to get one shot. I mean, it's just one - no biggie, right? WRONG. It wasn't just one. Kate quickly added it was 3 vaccines. I wanted to run out of the room at that very moment. All I could think was, Harper is definitely going to hate me and will never ever ever trust me again when it comes to doctors visits. 

After the doctor left the room and before the nurse came back in for the shots, I prepared Harper for her surprise pokes. She stared at me with her giant blue eyes while I gave her a run down of the rest of her appointment. As soon as I said "shots" her eyes filled with tears and in the saddest voice said, "I just want to go home." Me too Harper, me too! 

While holding down my hysterical 4-year old like an infant, the nurse poked as quick as she could. I felt awful. We were officially done, but I was stuck in the room trying to console my sobbing daughter. I did what any guilty Mother would do - I told her we were going straight to Target and she could pick out a new set of Shopkins. For goodness sake, she certainly deserved it and it would make me feel better too. She agreed, but insisted on taking 3 stickers on our way out - one for each shot which seemed fair.

Below is the picture taken right after the doctors office. I learned a few things that night about parenthood. 1. Never promise that there are no shots. 2. Surprise shots are harder on the lying parents. 3. Shopkins make everything better. :)

This month at preschool, Harper got to bring home the classroom buddy - Rusty the orangutan. He was adopted into our family for a week span and it was our mission to document our adventures. Harper was giddy that she was selected to bring him home. She claims she was chosen to bring Rusty home for being a good listener - but I think it was just her turn. :) 

That orange orangutan came everywhere with us. Harper introduced him to all of her "friends" the first night. (Yes, all those stuffed animals live in her bed.) We even took him to Chuck E. Cheese to kick off our week. We dressed him up in Bison gear for the NDSU football game and threw a Vikings jersey on him for the big game. (Maybe we can blame Rusty for the missed field goal?). Harper and Rusty were besties for the entire week. She even made him play Zingo! and Shopkins with her. We said goodbye once our week was up and wished him well on his next adventure! 

January also brought Nick back to Minnesota. It's been awhile since he's been home from Alaska, so it was fun getting to hang out and catch up on his life in Anchorage. Harper introduced Rusty to her Uncle Nick and also convinced him to have several dance parties. The long weekend went too fast and before we knew it we were saying our goodbyes. Hopefully we get to see him again very soon! 

I decided that a new year meant I needed a new hairdo. I had made an appointment to get a cut and color that was long overdue. I had envisioned just a little trim, but when I sat in the chair I made an impulse decision to chop it off. 10+ inches of hair was donated and I left rocking my short hairstyle again which feels wonderful! 

Emmett continues to keep us entertained with his sly smirks and lovable giggles. He is starting to say several words which is making communication a lot easier. When asked a question he will say "yes" or "no" and is quick to say "all done" at the dinner table. He's mimicking anything his big sister does, which irritates her and scares me. Because of his miming abilities we've had a few tumbles, bumps and bruises. 

Hockey sticks, golf clubs and baseball bats are still some of his favorite things. If those pieces of equipment aren't available, he is quickly learning to improvise. My parents told us one day at their house he opened a drawer and grabbed a spatula and egg slicer and started hitting it around the kitchen floor. Oh Emmett. :)

Back in 2014, Amanda, Jennie and myself started our very own dinner club. It was an excuse to get out once a month and try new restaurants. Dinner club was on hiatus all of 2015 but we decided it needed a re-boot and this time we were including significant others. 

I chose the January spot, so we headed to Pizzeria Lola in Minneapolis. I've heard nothing but good things about this place and after seeing it on an episode of Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives it quickly bummed up to the top of my list. 

The six of us devoured four amazing pizzas (I'd highly recommend the Korean BBQ) and even saved room for DIY ice cream sandwiches at the end. Because I'm the annoying friend who insists on taking too many pictures, I made us all jump into the photo booth to commemorate the start of our new and improved dinner club. It's off to a great start!

This past Tuesday, Harper had an in-school field trip. Mitch took the afternoon off to join Harper and her classmates at the Dino Dig. Judging by the photos, it looks like they had a fun time digging for fossils and learning about dinosaurs. 

So, now you know some of the things that have kept us busy the past few weeks. Glancing at the calendar it seems like February might be even busier!

Until next time…
The Helleens


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