Happy 4th Birthday, Harper!

Exactly four years ago around this time I held Harper in my arms for the first time and it's a moment I'll never forget. Not because I was puffy, swollen and strapped to a gurney but that tiny human I couldn't stop staring at was ours and was pure perfection. I was emotional and even a little overwhelmed but Harper gave Mitch and I the best job in the world - parenthood.

Today Harper celebrated her 4th birthday, which is hard for this Mama to believe. I know it's cliché, but I'm realizing more and more time really does go too darn fast. The last couple days I've found myself reflecting on the past and thinking, "Is she really going to be 4? When did that happen?" It's happened in a blink of an eye and from what I hear it only moves faster the older they get. 

The first thing she told me this morning as we sat in her bed, "Mom, you know I'm not 3 anymore - I'm 4 now. I'm growing up." and growing up, she is. Although we spend our days trying to teach her, she's actually teaching us to be more loving, kind and patient. 

To my sweet Harper - 

Today was not an ideal birthday. We spent an hour of our night at the doctors office. You're sick. It's just a nasty cold, but you didn't let that ruin your day. You powered through the fever, watery eyes and runny nose and made the most of your day - just like you always do. 

Everyday we're in awe of your big heart, huge imagination and lively spirit. You like helping others, especially your little brother. If he's crying or upset, you immediately try to make him laugh or search for something to distract him. Even when he whacks you for no reason or pulls your hair, you're patient with him; however, your quick to tattle. At 4 years old you're already quite motherly. I'm not sure if he'll love or hate that characteristic in the future - maybe a little of both. 

Your obsessed with Shopkins and Littlest Pet Shop toys and could spend hours making up stories while you play with the tiny figures. Sometimes we find ourselves just watching you in your own creative world. It's amazing to watch and always brings a smile to our faces.

The picky appetite you once had is starting to fade. You're asking to try new foods without being prompted which is a giant leap forward. Just a year ago you lived on carbs and cheese. Those foods are still often found on your plate, but I'm just happy your fear of meat is over. The days of cooking special meals just for you is in the past - now that you're 4, you're eating like a grown up too! :) 

Honesty is still your only policy and you are a definitely rule follower. We've had plenty of talks over the last year about what it means to be a tattle-tale and reminders to only worry about yourself. You've gotten better, but you still don't like it when people do something they're not supposed to. We still catch you going to the authorities to let them know what's going on. As a fellow rule-follower, there's nothing wrong with what you're doing. You do you, Harper! :) 

You love, love, love school and can't wait for classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The teachers told us you are very social and like to play with everyone. You're always first to raise your hand and love to participate. I hope your love for learning continues and may you always be that social butterfly. 

Cheers to year 4. May you continue to wish big and enjoy all the adventures along the way. Happy birthday hunny bun. We love you dearly!

Until next time…
The Helleens


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