Pictures, Pronto Pups and Proposals!


It's been two weeks since my last post and I'm realizing we've squeezed a lot of fun into the last 13 days. I'll start off by sharing some of Emmett's one-year photos taken by the very talented Kristen Anne Photography. We met Kristen at a local park a few weeks ago where she worked her magic (like usual). The mosquitoes were out in full force, but we came prepared with bug spray since we know Harper doesn't react well to bites. Emmett was his smiley, happy self and Kristen was able to capture some of his signature expressions on camera. We even got a couple frame-able family pictures! Success! Thanks again Kristen for capturing these special moments for us, they are certainly memories we treasure.  

Although it's a bummer that summer is coming to an end, that also means it's time for the "Great Minnesota Get Together." It's no secret that I LOVE the State Fair. I'd go multiple times during the 12 day run if I had any takers. The combination of fried food goodness, people watching and complete randomness that the State Fair brings leaves me with a perma-smile. 

Unfortunately this year, our weekends were booked - which meant we had to improvise. We decided on a whim to go during the week after work. One plus side of going on a Wednesday night, the crowds aren't quite as bad - and when you're pushing a double stroller that's something you appreciate. 

Harper had talked about mini donuts for days, so I knew that would be one of our first stops once we walked through the gates. First things first, FRIED PICKLES! This is my State Fair must have and every year I savor each bite. Who knew battered pickle chips dipped in ranch dressing could be so desirable? Shortly after, Harper got her mini donuts from Tiny Tim's. She nearly ate the entire bag.

In the Miracle of Birth Barn we got to pet the sweetest baby piglet. Harper and I sat and ogled the lil' piggy and talked about bringing it home. We're now on a mission to convince Mitch to buy us a micro-pig, but the discussion isn't going so well. We'll work on him. 

The rest of our trip was spent in the kid midway. Harper even got a little more adventurous with her ride choices. We rode the roller coaster together and after she survived that she was Miss Independent. She hopped on ride after ride until it was dark and way past Emmett's bedtime. Even though our State Fair experience wasn't quite as long as usual, we still made the most of it and had a great time. Until next year!

*Side note regarding Harper's eye in these photos. She's allergic to mosquito bites and unfortunately got a bite right under her eye. Her eye was nearly swollen shut for a day and half. It was still a little puffy at the fair, but looked great compared to the days before. Lesson learned, we now carry bug spray with us EVERYWHERE we go. 

It's hard to believe it's already September, but we decided to make the most of the "unofficial end of summer." The Shemon's invited us up to Breezy Point for the long Labor Day weekend since they recently purchased their own cabin on Pelican Lake. The Shemon cabin was housing my parents and Mike & Kathy, while our clan, Rachel & Adam and Amanda & Matt stayed at Breezy Point. 

We went up early Saturday so most of us could golf Deacon's Lodge that afternoon. My Mom was nice enough to stay with the kiddos so Mitch and I could play 9. (Thanks again, Mom!) Three groups teed off for what would be an unforgettable golf outing. 

Earlier in the week Wav reached out letting us know his plans for the weekend. After his news, I was giddy all week. I did my best to play it cool, especially while we were playing. My golf game was terrible, but I didn't care. I was having a blast with my bestie who was about to get engaged!

Halfway through the 9th hole, I moved out of the cart with Amanda and jumped in with Mitch. Amanda and Matt continued to the green, while we all stayed back. As quick as I could, I grabbed my camera ready for the big moment. From a distance we watched her look into the hole and cover her face while Matt dropped to one knee. He confirmed she said, "YES!" and we let out celebratory screams and cheers. Matt had arranged champagne right at the ninth hole where we toasted the newly engaged couple. CHEERS TO MATT AND AMANDA!! 

The 8th hole, I could barely contain my
excitement for what what about to come!
(She had no idea!)

The celebration continued all weekend. Sunday we rented a pontoon boat and made our way to "Fly Island" on Pelican Lake. The Shemon/Schumer crew did this same exact thing nearly 20 years ago, so it was fun to relive those memories with my own kiddos. Harper loved splashing around, but still refuses to dunk her head. Emmett loved the beach and snuck handfuls of sand when no one was looking. 

We did what everyone does during cabin weekends - we ate too much, drank too much and soaked up the last bit of summer. It was a blast to be there for Matt and Amanda's engagement and getting to spend the rest of the weekend with some of our favorite people made it that much better. Thanks again Shemon's for the invite and congrats to Amanda and Matt! :)

After the long weekend it was back to reality, however it's awfully nice to start your work week on a Tuesday. This week Harper had "Get Acquainted" day at preschool. I took off work for a couple hours so we could go meet her teachers and classmates. 

For a good hour Harper ran around her soon-to-be classroom playing with toys, coloring and reading books. She didn't know where to run first. It was nice to meet her teachers and some of the fellow parents who were sending their kiddos to preschool for the first time. Her first official day is Tuesday and she couldn't be more excited. Her backpack is all ready for her first school adventure!

As our busy Summer wraps up, we're excited to see what Fall brings. I'm sure plenty of fun and adventures are in our future! 

Until next time…
The Helleen's 


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