Dancing Queen

I've been eager to share our dance recital experience, but it's hard to blog when you're computerless. The charger to my MacBook decided to quit working this week and I have yet to replace it. As my computer sits next do me, dead and serving as a very expensive paperweight I'm pecking away on my iPad to share my proud "dance mom" moment. 

Harper has enjoyed her first year at Jeté Dance Centre and this Mama has loved every minute of my tiny dancers experience. Since September the four sweet 3-year olds in our Tuesday night class have worked hard to perfect their Wiggle dance. This past Sunday they were given the opportunity to show off their moves at their very first recital.

As I gathered her costume and Caboodle filled with recital necessities I was immediately transported back to my own recital days. I was so excited for Harper. Recitals are so much fun, both on and off stage. 

Most of our morning was spent perfecting her hair and putting makeup on that adorable face of hers. We arrived at St. Michael Albertville High School on time (I was proud of us!) and headed straight to the dressing room. Harper wiggled into her sparkly purple costume and pulled on her ballet shoes. We retouched her makeup and did one last spurt of hairspray. She was ready. I hugged and kissed her goodbye and wished her luck. The most important rule? To have so much fun and smile big! 

I met the rest of our crew in the lobby and the 10 of us (plus Emmett) found our seats. The lights dimmed and I was giddy. It's slightly embarrassing how excited I was. Harpers dance was 5th in the line up and it came up fast.

The curtains closed and you could hear the sweet volunteers escorting the dancers onto the stage. Once the curtains opened and the music started my heart truly melted. I know I use that phrase a lot, but I'm not kidding this time. My heart was full of pride, excitement and pure joy. All the girls did great! Harper nailed it and performed the entire dance, flawlessly in my opinion. Bias? Nah! :)

We were all entertained by the remaining performances. Harper and her dance buds performed a short version of "Hey Mickey" for the finale which was just as adorable as their Wiggle dance. Once recital was over, I ran down to the dressing room to pick her up. I couldn't stop smiling and telling her how awesome she did. 

Everyone was in the lobby waiting for our lil' dancing queen. She was showered with flowers, hugs and kisses. She soaked up every minute of the extra attention (after a few minutes of being completely overwhelmed). Like a pro, she posed for pictures with everyone who came. 

Our first dance recital was a total success and I could be more proud of our lil' girlie. Way to go, Harper!

Last weekend, Mitch and I also celebrated our 6 year wedding anniversary, 6 YEARS! We started this crazy adventure together 14 years ago, and have spent 6 of those years as husband and wife. There is no other person on this planet I'd want to spend my days watching re-runs of River Monsters while downing an entire bag of Wiley Wallaby's licorice. You're an amazing friend, husband and Dad to our kiddos. Thanks for being so awesome.

We're off to Brainerd in the morning to celebrate the long weekend. Hope everyone has a great Memorial Day weekend.

Until next time...
The Helleens


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