The Countdown Continues

13 days, that's it. Less than 2 weeks before Baby E is scheduled to arrive and I'm officially starting to freak out. This week my emotions and hormones seem to be running wild, which has resulted in a couple minor breakdowns. Luckily Mitch doesn't think I'm too crazy, and Harper just gives me unlimited hugs and kisses during my "Mommy Meltdowns."

I'll be honest, I'm a little scared and I don't really know why. Part of me is worried about Harper, which is ridiculous because I know she'll be just fine and an amazing big sister. This past week as we snuggle reading books, or dance around in the living room I realize things are about to change - for the better of course, but change. Moments like these are the culprit for me being an emotional mess. 

For a while a lot of my attention will be focused on Baby E and trying to remember what "newborn world" is like. I must say, I am looking forward to those sweet newborn coos and snuggles, however it's been nearly 9 months since I changed a diaper! We have officially started our countdown and can't wait to meet sweet Baby E!

I had my pre-opp appointment with the doctor performing my surgery this afternoon. Dr. Martinie is amazing and certainly knows how to make me feel comfortable. She's the same doctor who delivered Harper and was just as sweet as I remember today during our meeting. We went over the basic surgery specifics and I had my weekly routine checkup. Baby E's heartbeat was nice and strong and my giant belly is measuring right at 37 weeks. One more routine check up next week, then it's baby time!

This past weekend was event-free again, which is a rarity for us. Friday night we sat around doing a whole lot of nothing. Actually, I take that back. we did have a fun family photo session with the iPad. My favorite photo is below:

Saturday we woke up, again with nothing on the agenda. Mitch and I stayed in our jammies later than usual and Harper ran around in her undies most of morning. We cleaned, ate breakfast as a family, played Harper's Diner, practiced our golf swings, dressed up in glass slippers and really soaked up having no plans. It felt pretty amazing. 

By 2pm I was itching to get out of the house. While Harper was napping, I ran around town picking up a few last minute nursery items. It was a very low key Saturday for us, and we wrapped up the uneventful weekend with a bonfire and BBQ. Perfection!

Last Thursday was a special night! The old high school crew got together for dinner, and it had been way too long! I mentioned it a few weeks ago, but most of us live within 20 miles of each other but still manage to go months without seeing one another. After several email exchanges, we finally found a day that worked for everyone and quickly marked it on the calendar. We all met at Tucci Bennuch at Mall of America for a much-needed girls night out. There were tons of laughs, lots of story swapping and even a little work talk. 

I feel very lucky to have such strong, powerful friendships that we've maintained for over a decade. Although we may go weeks or even months without talking, when we do get together - it's nearly impossible to shut us up. We pick up right where we left off and it's a beautiful thing! :)  

Until next time…
The Helleen's


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