Baby Stuntz

With only 4 weeks left to go, Kelly is still beautiful and glowing with an adorable baby bump. Today we celebrated Kelly and baby girl Stuntz with an afternoon baby shower. Five of us put our heads together and planned the days events over the last couple months - and today all of our ideas came together. 

What's a baby shower without ridiculous games? Thanks to Pinterest, Paige found a hilarious game including little plastic babies and ice cube trays. The name of the games is "My water broke." Every guest puts one of the special ice cubes in their drink. Once the ice cube thaws and you see that little baby swimming in your mocktail, you scream "my water broke!" Julie was the big winner with the first swimming babe. 

During our brainstorming email thread, we quickly decided to do a pasta bar. Kelly's sister, Jen informed us  pasta is one of her go-to dishes now-a-days - so it seemed perfect. There was plenty of food, and some amazing desserts. Jenna couldn't make the shower due to grad school, but she did spoil us by dropping off her ridiculously yummy cake pops. Kelly (not mama-to-be, another Kelly) brought amazing sugar cookies from her hometown of Champaign, Illinois. Thank goodness they made it through airport security, because they were seriously delicious. With a great spread, and wonderful company - it was a successful shower. 

Baby Stuntz is going to be quite the fashionista. She opened some of the cutest little outfits, and they're just so small! There was lots of "oooing and ahhing" at the cuteness. I forgot how tiny newborns can be! Besides adding to Baby Stuntz's wardrobe, they also received some baby essentials that will come in handy when Mom, Dad and baby come home. It was such a fun day celebrating the mama-to-be and baby girl. Can't wait to meet the sweet lil' one in just a few short weeks! :)

During the shower, Mitch and Harper had their own fun. Mitch braved the lunch crowd at Chuck E. Cheese so he and Harper could enjoy pizza and games. They managed to rack up 59 tickets and left with a few treasures and full bellies. I think they enjoyed their Daddy/Daughter afternoon!

It's hunting season, so that means my Mom is what we like to call a "hunting widow." Last weekend while my Dad was up North - Mitch suggested my Mom and I go out Saturday night. We opted for late movie, which we haven't done in years. I picked her up at 8pm, and headed to AMC for the evening showing of Last Vegas. After ordering our small popcorn, and large diet coke (in a Hunger Games collector cup!) we headed to theater 4. The movie was hilarious, and it was fun night out - just me and Mama Dukes. Thanks again to my awesome husband for the idea!

After a long day of celebrating and fun, we're all pretty exhausted. I'm been in my jammies for the last hour - and have no problem with that. It's a lazy Saturday night in the Helleen household. 

Until next time...
The Helleen's


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