Finally Feels Like Summer

It finally fells like summer. We got off to a rocky start with all the rain and cold - but the sunshine and 80 degree temps seem to be here to stay. It's about time, I mean it's July!

Last Thursday, we had a work golf outing at Braemar Golf Course in Edina. The day was picture perfect. Mid-80's, sunshine and not a cloud in the sky. In true REACH fashion, we tried to make the day as fun as possible. After randomly selecting teams the day before, it was decided each group needed a theme and costumes (now that's my kind of golf tournament). In honor of Independence Day, Marc, Tyler, Alan and myself sported American Flag shirts and star studded bandanas. We had a wonderful day out on the course, and even won the scramble! Good work Team 'Merica! 

That evening we had plans to go meet sweet baby Bennett. Since we usually meet Paul and Kody for dinner at Don Pablos, we thought it was fitting to bring Don Pablos to them. We picked up our usuals from Don's and headed to the Donahue's for some baby time. Harper loved Bennett. She kept making her "grrrr" sound at his dinosaur mittens and loved his cool socks! Mitch and I both soaked up some snuggles from baby Bennett, and enjoyed every single second. He is precious, adorable and absolutely perfect. Congrats Donahue's on that sweet bundle, we're looking forward to many future playdates!

The amazing weather stayed throughout the weekend, which was amazing. We finally made it out on the lake for the first time this season on Sunday. My parents have had the boat slip since April, but the first couple months were worthless. The boat hit the water for the first time Sunday, and I must say... it felt good! We started the day with lunch at Lord Fletcher's, and hopped on the boat to cruise the lake. Harper put on her fancy new life vest, her heart-shaped shades and floppy sun hat and was ready to go. I nearly died when she just sat there posing. Naturally, I grabbed my camera and snapped as fast as I could. There is something about a little kid in sunglasses, it's always adorable. We enjoyed the boat rides, fresh air and sunshine. Harper drove the boat with Uncle Austin, and even braved the cold water with Mitch. It was a great way to start our lake season!

After the lake we met Kelly and Ryan in Uptown for the Minnesota Food Truck Fair. If you don't know, I'm obsessed with Food Network and any cooking shows. So when Kelly mentioned this food truck fair, I was in 100%. After seeing all the trucks and reading the menus, I wanted to try one of everything. Since the lines were insanely long and trucks were running out of food... I knew that wasn't an option. We were able to try some awesome tacos, jerk chicken and pork and topped it all off with ice cream before we left. It was a super cool event, one we'll make sure to catch again next year!

This week we also got a sneak peek of Harper's photos from Kristen Anne Photography. As always, we love them. She does such an awesome job, and always manages to catch Harper being her goofy self. I'm so looking forward to receiving the CD with all the images! Thanks Kristen for another set of incredible pictures. 

With the holiday tomorrow, that means it's a short work week! Both Mitch and I have tomorrow off, and Mitch gets an extra day Friday. I'm looking forward to the mid-week break. We plan to spend the 4th outside as much as possible. Hopefully we can come up with a fun family day! 

Hope everyone has a wonderful and safe 4th! 

Until next time...
The Helleen's


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