Celebrating Milestones

Whew. It's nice to have a moment to sit down, relax and reflect on the amazing long weekend we shared with family and friends. 

As I mentioned in my last post, Austin graduated from Osseo Senior High this past Saturday. Parents, family and friends gathered into the Target Center to celebrate a very important day for these kids. The Class of 2013 are officially high school graduates and are entering adulthood and the "real world." We are all very proud of Austin. Enjoy summer brother bear - August will be here before you know it!  

Sunday morning came early for us. After celebrating Austin's milestone, we were hopping on a plane to Denver at 6:15am to celebrate another. Mitch's cousin Andy and his wife Kim called one day with a wonderful question. They asked if we would be Charlie's godparents, and we couldn't feel more honored and blessed. When we found out the Baptism was the same weekend as graduation, that made things a little more tricky. After researching flights, we finally found an option that might work. Unfortunately no flights left at 6:30pm Saturday night, so Sunday morning was our only option. The Baptism was at 9am in Colorado Springs, which is a little over an hour from the Denver airport. This was our plan - if we left Minneapolis at 6:15am and arrived in Denver at 7:15am, immediately hopped in the car and head to Colorado Springs... there was a slight chance we could make to church by 9am. Shockingly, everything work out perfectly!

Mitch, Harper and myself touched down in Colorado ahead of schedule. Since Jerry was sweet enough to pick us up, we didn't have to deal with the hassle of renting a car (thanks again Jerry!.) We were on the road by 7:30ish, with the GPS giving us an ETA of 9:03AM - it was going to be a close one. Someone was certainly looking over us that morning because we pulled into the church parking lot with 5 minutes to spare. 

We walked into Immanuel Lutheran Church, gave a few hugs and sat down just in time for the service to begin. It was such a special day for Charlie and Cameron, and we feel privileged to be a part of it. After church, we headed to Patty Jewett Golf Club from a wonderful lunch to celebrate. Harper was beginning meltdown mode after lunch, and was in need of a nap desperately. Since we were headed back to the Fisher's house in Denver, she was able to sneak in a quick snooze. It was a perfect night, we sat outside and BBQ'd while the kiddos ran around and played. We headed back to the hotel a little early to call it a night. I think all three of us needed sleep, and lots of it.

Chuck Pringle Photography

Since we came in on Sunday, we opted to extend our trip a little and stayed until Tuesday. Andy took Monday off, so they had a little excursion planned for us! After sleeping in and getting some breakfast, we were back on the road around 11am. Next stop, Boulder. Harper decided not to nap during the hour drive, she thought crying and screaming seemed like a better option. Once we got into Boulder, we headed to Walnut Brewery for lunch. The food was incredible, and at that point a drink was needed! :) After lunch we walked down Pearl Street Mall and let the kiddos run around and play. It was such a fun city, I bummed we weren't staying longer to check out all the scenes! I guess that just means we'll have to go back soon!

After leaving Boulder, Andy and Kim decided to detour and take us to Red Rocks Park & Amphitheater. This place was incredible. It was stunning, and I've added seeing live music there to my bucket list. I was so glad they suggested stopping and checking it out. We made it back to Denver, ordered some pizza and laid low for the rest of the night. Harper enjoyed every second playing with Haley and Addison. She wanted to be a "big girl" so bad. Everything they did, she mimicked. The girls were so sweet, and made Harper feel like she was at home. We soaked up our last moments with sweet baby Charlie, and said farewell to the Fisher clan. Luckily we'll see them in just a few months for Mike & Jennie's wedding.

It was a quick, whirlwind of a trip - but it was totally worth it. We enjoyed every single second we spent in Colorado, and agreed we need to head back sooner than later. Thank you again Fisher's for welcoming us into your home, and showing us around your awesome state!

Until next time...
The Helleen's


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