Rocks In My Crocs

I'm not sure how all of you feel about the infamous foam clog known as Crocs, but I've never been a huge fan. When we received a hand-me-down pair of pale pink Crocs from Mitch's cousin Andy and his wife Kim, there was something sort of charming about the lil' clogs. Maybe it's because they were so little, but suddenly I noticed myself having a change of heart.

Since Harper's feet are finally the right size, we pulled out the "new" pink shoes and put them on for a test run. Unfortunately we let her try them on for the first time when we were getting ready for bed, and taking them off didn't go over well. She cried when we removed them off her little feet. We tried explaining that she could wear them in the morning, but that didn't seem to help. After a while, she calmed down and went to sleep - but those little pink Croc's were waiting for her the next morning.

I still can't support grown adults sporting the foamed shoe, but I have grown to love them for children for so many reasons. They are easy to slip on and off, and since Harper insists on removing her shoes every time we get in the car this has been handy. They might also be the easiest shoe to clean. A little soap and water with a little scrub - and they're like new. I've even jumped so much on the bandwagon, I've considered going to look for cute Croc accessories. I realize that may be a little extreme, I'm just being honest. Please don't judge. :)

This past weekend our calendar was completely open, and we took full advantage of that as a family. We slept in, sat around in our jammies, made a pancake breakfast, watched some movies and played outside! The weather was beautiful, so we didn't want to stay cooped up in the house all day. With so many parks and school playgrounds near our home, we opted to take a mini field trip to the playground at Fernbrook Elementary School. It's walking distance from us, but this time we decided to drive.

As we got out of the car, Harper spotted the playground and her baby blues lit up! She was so excited and took off running towards the giant play set. We had a great afternoon swinging, sliding, running and getting very very dirty playing in the rocks - but that's what you're supposed to do when you're playing outside, right? The only thing she didn't like was getting the little pebbles in her shoes. Eventually we ditched the shoes all together and ran around barefoot. I have a feeling we'll be back to that playground very soon for another play session.

One night last week, Mitch and I were going through our usual bed time routine with Harper. We got on her jammies, read a few books, grabbed blankie and piggy wiggy and headed for the rocking chair. Mitch kept asking Harper if she wanted more toys to rock with, and of course she said yes. The "pile as many toys as you can" game got a little out of hand and before I knew it every stuffed animal and pillow in Harper's room was piled on top of us. The poor girl was sweating, but every time Mitch showed her another item to stack - she said "yes yes yes." It was pretty funny, and of course I thought of it as a photo opp! :)

Tomorrow is finally Friday (woo hoo) and we have a fun filled weekend planned. It's supposed to be significantly cooler this weekend, highs in the low to mid 70's. With that being said, Saturday Mitch is enjoying the brisk weather and playing golf with a few friends. That night is girls night at Mitch's parents house. A few of us girls are getting together to work on a few things for Jennie and Mike's upcoming wedding! :) Sunday we're heading up to St. Cloud to celebrate sweet Clay Bear's 1st birthday! We're looking forward to seeing the Medford clan, it's been way too long!

Before Harper went to bed tonight, we tested out her new wagon with a walk around the block. She thought she was pretty cool hanging out in her Radio Flyer with her Elmo book and sporting 5 necklaces. Yep, I said 5. Nearly every necklace she owns was around her neck. It's always fun to see her get so excited, and show me that big CHEESE FACE! 

Hope everyone enjoys their weekend!

Until next time...
The Helleen's


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