Potty Training Boys

Potty training. (sigh)

We all have to address it at some point with our kiddos. As parents we try to make the transition out of diapers super exciting. Some of us buy special seats and undies with our child's favorite characters on them, thinking maybe that'll convince them to join our potty party. Or maybe you even go the candy route, when in doubt use chocolate - that always works. Or maybe you're like me and you try all of the above, because one of those has to do the trick - right? Wrong, oh so wrong when it comes to our sweet boy Emmett. 

Since the first day I brought up the dreaded "potty training" with E, I've heard countless parents share with me, "boys are soooo much harder than girls." I knew this was likely going to be our experience too since Harper made our first-go at potty training insanely easy. A month after turning two, she quickly jumped on the potty trend and ditched the diapers. 

I do my best not to compare Harper's experiences and timelines with Emmett's. Although they are related and both equally adorable, I remind myself they are two separate humans who will not share the same exact milestones at the same exact times. Although, I do wish Emmett showed even a sliver of interest in the whole idea of super cool Paw Patrol undies or sitting on the "big boy potty," but the truth is, he could care less. 

He knows when he needs to go, and usually shares the news immediately after once a diaper change is necessary. If I catch him in the middle of the act, I quickly rush him into the bathroom but 90% of the time the damage is done. He'll just look up at me with those giant blue eyes and say in his sweet little voice, "Oh no. Me go in me diapie." When we ask where he should go potty, he's quick to answer "the potty, not me diapie." There are even times he'll wake up from a 11 hour snooze overnight and be completely dry, when I ask if he wants to go sit on the potty his response is simply, "no way." 

At 2 years and 8 months potty training is not on his radar, but if we plan to start pre-school in the Fall we're officially on a deadline. We have 4 months to convince this strong-headed boy that's it's cool to pee in the potty. I'm open to any ideas, advice, tips, tricks and stories people can give me! Bring it on!

Other than potty training woes, we've been keeping pretty busy. With nice weather being sprinkled in more and more, we're slowly making our way outside. Harper dug her bike out of the garage and is doing her best to master the monkey bars at the playground. I'm pretty sure Emmett would just pitch a tent and stay outside forever, but he settles for our walks and time at the parks. 

Speaking of walks, here is another example of Emmett's strong-willed personality and that he's very much set in his own ways.  I was so excited one Friday to go and buy him a small bike and helmet for the summer. Since warmer weather is in our future, I thought a bike would be a fun addition to our walks and we can finally ditch the stroller. We cruised the aisles at Target looking at bikes, and ultimately landing ourselves by the bike helmets. I spotted a Raphael and Leonardo TMNT helmet and thought to myself, "jackpot!" E typically goes for anything and everything Turtles, so I envisioned this being an easy home run. 

In my "excited Mom voice" I tried to oversell the coolness of this Turtle helmet, but Emmett wasn't having any of it. He continued to avoid us as we tried sneakily putting a helmet on his head. His quick little feet would turn the other way all while shouting, "No way, me no wear helmet!" Finally I tried the ole' reverse psychology thing, since in my opinion that should always work - "Okay Emmett, if you don't wear a helmet you can't ride a new bike and you'll have to always ride in the stroller." I mean, that should convince him right? Nope, wrong again. Instead he looked at us and as serious as could be said, "okay Mom. I'll just ride in the stroller." Unbelievable. 

Needless to say,  we left bike less and helmet less. 

I know Easter was awhile ago, but we had a blast at the Rush Creek egg hunt, Lord of Life's egg hunt and sharing the Easter holiday with our families. I'll spare the details, below are some pics. :) 





Hope everyone is having a great start to Spring!

Until next time...

The Helleen's


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